5 "Planning" Category Articles

Want Great Wedding Photos? Get Centered… For the KISS, That Is!

1541 DAYS AGO | 11.24.2020

Want Great Wedding Photos? Get Centered… For the KISS, That Is!

Learn how wedding officiants & couples help wedding photographers get a perfect first kiss photo. Step one, center yourself!

A young woman looks at her laptop computer, resting her chin in her hands and contemplating the best place to get ordained online to officiate a wedding for friends.

1864 DAYS AGO | 1.6.2020

How Can I Get Ordained Online: Popular Places & Steps

Discover where to get ordained online! Learn where and how to get ordained online with ease. Explore popular places and find the best option for you, based o...

Gift Ideas for Your Wedding Officiant

1868 DAYS AGO | 1.2.2020

Gift Ideas for Your Wedding Officiant

Gift ideas for your wedding officiant -- thank them for all of their hard work and dedication to creating your wedding ceremony

A young man taps his forehead and smiles at the camera in a playful way, as if to say, 'good to know!'

1983 DAYS AGO | 9.9.2019

Here’s why you should always check local marriage license rules…

North Carolina county clerks affirm that they do accept weddings performed by ministers ordained online as church drops lawsuit.

A photo of a typical clerk's office, showing a counter with several employees and a sign that reads 'registry division'

2224 DAYS AGO | 1.11.2019

Attention Couples: Read this before you visit the clerk’s office for your mar...

Before getting married, couples and their officiant need to follow these steps in order to get their marriage license.


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