Check out these 21 articles tagged with Pagan. The American Weddings Blog is your source for officiant tips, ceremony planning, and more.
1308 DAYS AGO | 6.17.2021
A Summer Solstice Wedding Ceremony with handfasting and honey wine mead toast ! Plan and officiate a unique summer wedding with this outline of parts of a ce...
1331 DAYS AGO | 5.25.2021
A stone blessing ceremony and wishing stones are a magical way to involve friends and family members in your wedding ceremony. This unique blessing stones un...
1352 DAYS AGO | 5.4.2021
How to plan or officiate a Beltane wedding ceremony or handfasting, with a bonfire ritual and words inspired by ancient Celtic Pagan practices and the spirit...
1353 DAYS AGO | 5.3.2021
Learn about the history of the Maypole dance and how to add one to your wedding celebration, for May Day, Beltane, Wiccan, Pagan, and nonreligious celebrations.
1355 DAYS AGO | 5.1.2021
A magical Beltane incense recipe for your wedding ceremony. A unique addition to any wedding, marriage rite, engagement, betrothal, or Wiccan handfasting rit...
1406 DAYS AGO | 3.11.2021
Simple handfasting ceremony wording and outline for a wedding officiant! Sweet vows, easy to modify for Pagan, Christian, nonreligious or spiritual couples
Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.
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