3 "County Clerk" Category Articles

California allows couples to obtain marriage licenses and solemnize marriage via video conference

1777 DAYS AGO | 5.1.2020

California allows couples to obtain marriage licenses and solemnize marriage ...

California will temporarily allow couples to obtain their marriage license and solemnize marriage via video conference admidst the Coronavirus pandemic

Ask AMM: "Can I Perform My Own Marriage Ceremony?"

1850 DAYS AGO | 2.18.2020

Ask AMM: "Can I Perform My Own Marriage Ceremony?"

Regulations and policies for performing self-uniting or self-solemnizing marriage ceremonies in select states

Close up photo collage of an American flag and a red door sign that reads 'Shut down'

2277 DAYS AGO | 12.18.2018

Will a Government Shutdown Prevent You From Filing Your Marriage License Or G...

Will you be able to file for your marriage license or get married if there is a government shutdown? We checked with local government offices to find out.


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