4 "Adversity" Category Articles

When his church discriminated, this Minister turned to American Marriage Ministries

1383 DAYS AGO | 10.13.2020

When his church discriminated, this Minister turned to American Marriage Mini...

When mainstream churches discriminated against this LGBTQ minister, he got ordained by American Marriage Ministries so that he could join same-sex couples in...

Why honoring and supporting Pride Month is more important than ever

1517 DAYS AGO | 6.1.2020

Why honoring and supporting Pride Month is more important than ever

This year’s Pride underscores the prejudice and discrimination that runs rampant in our nation – and why it’s more important than ever that we stand together...

Good News Alert: Virginia Counties Remove Racist Language From Marriage Application!

1776 DAYS AGO | 9.16.2019

Good News Alert: Virginia Counties Remove Racist Language From Marriage Appli...

Virginia will no longer require couples to disclose their race when applying for marriage licenses.

A bride and groom hold hands while sitting across from each other at the table. Behind them, a large window, with a few of trees in the distance.

2062 DAYS AGO | 12.4.2018

A Wedding Ceremony Celebrates Recovery from Opioid Addiction, Love, and Growth

When AMM Minister Christopher Dexheimer was asked to officiate his brother’s wedding, it was a joyous conclusion to a story with a dark beginning. That story...


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