Connect With A Licensed Minister For Your Special Day

This is a public directory of AMM Ordained Ministers. If you are searching for a licensed minister and they do not show up here, they are either not ordained with us or have set their profile to private.

AMM ministers play a vital role in making weddings personal, legal, and memorable. Our flexibility and inclusivity allow couples to find a licensed minister in their community and work with them to practice their first amendment rights – including how they celebrate their wedding.



Active In

Minister ID

dustin e Private Congregation 210447-123439
Mark S Private Congregation 210446-123438
Meghan M Private Congregation 210445-123437
Ronald H Private Congregation 210444-123436
Josh K Private Congregation 210443-123435
Guy K Private Congregation 210442-123434
Riana C Private Congregation 210441-123433
Heidi S Private Congregation 210440-123432
Barbara F Private Congregation 210439-123431
David T Private Congregation 210438-123430
Nancy T Private Congregation 210437-123429
Andrea M Private Congregation 210436-123428
John T Private Congregation 210435-123427
Rene S Private Congregation 210434-123426
Frederick A Private Congregation 210433-123425
Alfredo W Private Congregation 210432-123424
Kenneth S Private Congregation 210431-123423
Brady M Private Congregation 210430-123422
Robin B Private Congregation 210429-123421
Rosalio A Private Congregation 210428-123420
Lehi J Private Congregation 210427-123419
Spencer B Private Congregation 210426-123418
Gerard Q Private Congregation 210425-123417
Chaghig W Private Congregation 210423-123416
Mark U Private Congregation 210422-123415
Roger G Private Congregation 210421-123414
Dusty M Private Congregation 210420-123413
Keith Q Private Congregation 210419-123412
Simone C Private Congregation 210418-123411
Teri M Private Congregation 210417-123410
Brandon G Private Congregation 210416-123409
Steven F Private Congregation 210415-123408
Larisa W Private Congregation 210414-123407
madison m Private Congregation 210413-123406
John S Private Congregation 210412-123405
Stephanie U Private Congregation 210411-123404
Jason P Private Congregation 210410-123403
Jeramiah W Private Congregation 210409-123402
Jarod L Private Congregation 210408-123401
Melissa D Private Congregation 210407-123400
james w Private Congregation 210406-123399
Tom R Private Congregation 210405-123398
Colin M Private Congregation 210404-123397
Janet H Private Congregation 210403-123396
Vivian K Private Congregation 210402-123395
Lisa J Private Congregation 210401-123394
john f Private Congregation 210400-123393
C. S Private Congregation 210399-123392
Nancy S Private Congregation 210398-123391
Jason D Private Congregation 210397-123390

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