Connect With A Licensed Minister For Your Special Day

This is a public directory of AMM Ordained Ministers. If you are searching for a licensed minister and they do not show up here, they are either not ordained with us or have set their profile to private.

AMM ministers play a vital role in making weddings personal, legal, and memorable. Our flexibility and inclusivity allow couples to find a licensed minister in their community and work with them to practice their first amendment rights – including how they celebrate their wedding.



Active In

Minister ID

Number Bryant Utah 564026
Esperanza Salinas Florida 564025
Gregory Smith Tennessee 564024
Pearl Sun New York 564023
Alan Dingfelder Pennsylvania 564022
Daryn Gilbert Maine 564021
Shirley Furtick South Carolina 564020
Justice Waldrup Florida 564017
Michael Ritt Virginia 564016
Bobbi Golden Arkansas 564015
Megan Carter Indiana 564014
Gary Lamboy South Carolina 564013
Charleane Graham Maryland 564012
Mark Sanders California 564011
Wendy Sanchez Georgia 564010
Cynthia May Tennessee 564009
Etta Matthews California 564008
Jennifer Sullivan North Carolina 564007
Megan Smith Florida 564006
Brooke Arterbridge Delaware 564005
Allan Anderson II California 564004
constance spradlin Nebraska 564003
Walter Kureczka JR New York 564002
Shawn Roberts Florida 564001
Joseph C Private Congregation 564000
Scherrille Murray New York 563999
Rachel Harris North Carolina 563998
Shannon McGee South Carolina 563997
Kari Cooper New Jersey 563996
Sarah Tafoya New Mexico 563995
Jason Bailey Missouri 563994
Jeffery Wilhite Michigan 563993
Richard Burchfiel California 563992
Robert Copp North Carolina 563991
Margaret Cannell North Carolina 563990
Brydi Ricard Massachusetts 563989
justin lambert Kentucky 563988
James DePuy New York 563987
Jack Torchia New Jersey 563986
Heather Philbrick Maine 563985
Brian Thomas LeBlanc Virginia 563984
Morgan Frostman Wisconsin 563983
Benjamin Busdicker Texas 563982
Tiemi Stiles Texas 563981
Shanda Gulvas Illinois 563980
James Gumpper Massachusetts 563979
Sierra Williams West Virginia 563978
Emily Monner Missouri 563977
Courtney Brenn Indiana 563976
Genaro Espinoza III Texas 563975

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