Connect With A Licensed Minister For Your Special Day

This is a public directory of AMM Ordained Ministers. If you are searching for a licensed minister and they do not show up here, they are either not ordained with us or have set their profile to private.

AMM ministers play a vital role in making weddings personal, legal, and memorable. Our flexibility and inclusivity allow couples to find a licensed minister in their community and work with them to practice their first amendment rights – including how they celebrate their wedding.



Active In

Minister ID

Gabriel Enriquez Texas 564280
Colby Gray Texas 564279
Glen Peterson Utah 564278
Chance Kleffman Arkansas 564277
David Kellogg Texas 564276
John Mariani New York 564275
Taylor Daniels North Carolina 564274
Mark Pham California 564273
Paula Redmond Pennsylvania 564272
Autumn Goff North Carolina 564271
Benjamin Silbermann California 564270
Timothy Nicoll Canterbury 564269
saralinda jenssen Washington 564268
Paul Mallalieu Georgia 564267
Alison Smith Indiana 564266
Justin Chiarelli Pennsylvania 564265
Logan Mayville California 564264
Catherine O'Connell New Jersey 564263
Mark Branes Arizona 564262
Thomas Langer Connecticut 564261
Copland Justice Tennessee 564260
Mark Albrecht Wisconsin 564259
Holly Whitten Oregon 564258
Rachel Johnson North Carolina 564257
Alvin Greene III Michigan 564256
Sharon McClements Delaware 564255
Aaron Linn Ohio 564254
sherry whitney New York 564253
Sarah Mosa Florida 564252
Kristopher Wagner Utah 564251
Erin Mann Missouri 564250
Shannon Daniel Tennessee 564249
Michael Williams Kentucky 564248
Samantha Mayfield Oregon 564247
Stephanie Burke South Carolina 564246
John Self California 564245
Christine Smith Nevada 564244
Aaron Brandenburg California 564243
Terry Causey Indiana 564242
Frank Huerta California 564241
Caitlin Reimer Georgia 564240
Colleen K Private Congregation 564239
lawrence hall Washington 564238
Desiree Ayala Utah 564237
Maria Ferreira Gauteng 564236
Sigrid Strebe North Dakota 564235
Kimberly A Private Congregation 564234
Douglas Mangels Washington 564233
Amber Sprouse Virginia 564232
Charles Hayden Texas 564231

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