Connect With A Licensed Minister For Your Special Day

This is a public directory of AMM Ordained Ministers. If you are searching for a licensed minister and they do not show up here, they are either not ordained with us or have set their profile to private.

AMM ministers play a vital role in making weddings personal, legal, and memorable. Our flexibility and inclusivity allow couples to find a licensed minister in their community and work with them to practice their first amendment rights – including how they celebrate their wedding.



Active In

Minister ID

Chesney Carroll Virginia 675504
Rachel Page Virginia 675503
Alysa Couce New Jersey 675502
Lissandra Hirst Indiana 675501
Clint Ticknor Illinois 675500
David Murray California 675499
Alima Webb-Ajodha North Carolina 675498
Maria Avila Maechler Washington 675497
Christie Harrop California 675496
Maribeth McTernan Massachusetts 675495
William Murphy Maryland 675494
Steven Caviggiola Indiana 675493
Lily Gehrenbeck Maine 675492
Justus McDonough Missouri 675491
Terresa Carter Idaho 675490
Bradley Douglas Ohio 675489
Roberta Hammond Florida 675488
Susan Barnes North Carolina 675487
Linda Barnes Mississippi 675486
Alysa Reed West Virginia 675485
Rebecca Ashcraft West Virginia 675484
Melissa McTernan Massachusetts 675483
Lee Seymour California 675482
Bethann Neis Iowa 675481
Miles Baker New York 675480
Bruce Stephens Florida 675479
Tamra Halstead Georgia 675478
Dorsey Bass California 675477
Albert Patterson Texas 675476
David Morrow Alabama 675475
Darius Scott Ohio 675474
Mark Miller Missouri 675473
Paul Arena Georgia 675472
Sarah Hertzfeld Michigan 675471
Dirk Nicholson Minnesota 675470
Casey Bass Kansas 675469
Zhaoying Liu California 675468
Kevin McGarry California 675467
John Daughney Ohio 675466
Haley Conway Indiana 675465
Heather Smalley Colorado 675464
Collin Carroll Connecticut 675463
James Cooke Massachusetts 675462
James Serpiello Pennsylvania 675461
Sharon Franek California 675460
Justin Tinker Oklahoma 675459
Kalank Byers Ohio 675458
Lisa Suggs Texas 675457
Elijah Hadley Georgia 675456
Jessica Spivey Missouri 675455

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