Julia G Jones
Minister ID: 708148 View Ordination Certificate
Julia lives in Arizona and was ordained by American Marriage Ministries on June 18th, 2020.
I dipped my toe in the wedding world for a friend, and absolutely fell in love with officiating! I have always been curious about the wedding industry and this was a perfect glimpse in. I will continue to look for opportunities to officiate and learn about the Wedding Planning process. If you're seeking an eccentric Officiant who will personalize your ceremony, look no further!
The badges below represent optional wedding officiant certifications offered by AMM. Learn more about our courses by visiting courses.theamm.org.
Julia is an ordained minister of American Marriage Ministries. You too can also get ordained as an AMM minister. With our free online ordination you can perform marriage in your state or anywhere else in the country.
APPLY FOR FREE ONLINE ORDINATIONElegant, frameable, and beautiful. These marriage certificates make the perfect gift to commemorate the wedding day.
Become a Wedding Officiant with Our Free Online Ordination!