Cynthia Ann Dale
Minister ID: 616057-352699 View Ordination Certificate
Cynthia lives in Texas and was ordained by American Marriage Ministries on September 11th, 2016.
I was raised and baptized as a Baptist. I have held various positions in the church as a servant. I received my calling in March of 2009. I have always known and felt my connection with God. I knew I had a purpose, but just did not know what it was. God gives me visions through dreams that show me what it to come or what is going on with others around me. To give them the answers to their questions and dreams. I love being a servant to God and others. I believe in listening to, and supporting a person decisions and life's choices. With God, all things are possible with faith, love and understanding. Currently, I am a Life Insurance Agent / Financial Representative for Transamerica Life Insurance. Where I am still a life adviser on plans to secure financial stability. And plans to assure your family or friends are assured the peace in knowing all your plans for them are secured in the event something happens to you. Life Happens.
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Cynthia is an ordained minister of American Marriage Ministries. You too can also get ordained as an AMM minister. With our free online ordination you can perform marriage in your state or anywhere else in the country.
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