South Carolina Marriage Laws § 20-1-230
Issuance of license; premarital preparation course.Read the full South Carolina Marriage Law § 20-1-230 at American Marriage Ministries. Last updated on Friday, February 2, 2021.
South Carolina Code of Laws 20-1-230
(A) The judge of probate or clerk of court with whom a marriage license application was filed shall issue a license upon: (1) the filing of the application required under the provisions of Section 20-1-220; (2) the lapse of at least twenty-four hours thereafter; (3) the payment of the fee provided by law; and (4) the filing of a statement, under oath or affirmation, to the effect that the persons seeking the contract of matrimony are legally entitled to marry, together with the full names of the persons, their ages, and places of residence. (B) A man and a woman who successfully complete a qualifying premarital preparation course and who have a South Carolina marriage license which attests the completion of the course shall be entitled to receive a one-time fifty-dollar nonrefundable state income tax credit, as permitted in Section 12-6-3381. In order for the course to qualify pursuant to this section, the couple must: (1) attend a course taught by a professional counselor who is licensed pursuant to Chapter 75 of Title 40 or by an active member of the clergy in the course of his or her service as clergy or his or her designee, including retired clergy, provided that the designee is trained and skilled in premarital preparation; (2) attend a minimum of six hours of instruction; (3) complete the course within twelve months prior to the application for a marriage license; and (4) complete the course together rather than individually. A couple who completes a premarital preparation course pursuant to this section must be issued a certification of completion at the conclusion of the course by their course provider. The certification must include the number of hours that the couple completed together and the credentials of the course provider. A couple must produce this certification when applying for the marriage license in order to receive the non-refundable state income tax credit. The judge of probate or clerk of court must certify on the marriage license that the couple met the statutory requirements to qualify for this income tax credit. The judge of probate court or clerk of court is not responsible to authenticate the information contained in the certification of completion unless the certification of completion is wholly fraudulent on its face. (C) The discount authorized by this section must not be applied to the fee credited to the Domestic Violence Fund provided for in Section 20-1-375.
1962 Code Section 20-23; 1952 Code Section 20-23; 1942 Code Section 8558; 1932 Code Section 8558; Civ. C. '22 Section 5524; Civ. C. '12 Section 3745; 1911 (27) 131; 1912 (27) 613; 1913 (28) 76; 1915 (29) 216, 220; 1916 (29) 751; 1917 (30) 113, 127, 129; 1918 (30) 698; 1919 (31) 67, 112, 211, 245; 1920 (31) 736, 738, 1065; 1921 (32) 107, 152; 1922 (32) 781, 790; 1928 (35) 1205; 1931 (37) 12, 29, 122; 1933 (38) 148; 1934 (38) 1425; 1939 (41) 173, 179; 1946 (44) 1444; 1947 (45) 109, 234; 1948 (45) 1612; 1994 Act No. 470, Section 5, eff 30 days after July 14, 1994; 2006 Act No. 291, Section 1, eff May 31, 2006.
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