5 "New Mexico" Category Articles

Los jóvenes recién casados ​​caminan del brazo por el pasillo después de la ceremonia de su boda, mientras amigos y familiares arrojan pétalos de flores. Todos están sonriendo y felices. La novia inclina la cabeza hacia atrás mientras ríe, llena de alegría.

274 DAYS AGO | 6.13.2024

¿Cuánto Cuesta Ordenarse en Línea en Nuevo México Para Oficiar una Boda?

Conozca cuánto cuesta convertirse en ministro ordenado en línea en Nuevo México, si pagará más por el registro de ministro para oficiar una boda y cómo se co...

Close up photo of a man signing a legal document with a pen. In the foreground are two gold wedding rings.

431 DAYS AGO | 1.8.2024

Proposed Changes to Marriage Laws in 2024: Marriage Legislation to Watch in Y...

Learn about potential changes to marriage laws in your state in 2024, including proposed legislation in New York, New Jersey, Nebraska, Missouri, Virginia, U...

Young newlyweds walk arm-in-arm down the aisle following their wedding ceremony, as friends and family members toss flower petals. Everyone is smiling and happy. The bride tilts her head back as she laughs, overjoyed.

444 DAYS AGO | 12.26.2023

How Much Does it Cost to Get Ordained Online in New Mexico to Officiate a Wed...

Learn how much it costs to become an ordained minister online in New Mexico, whether you’ll pay more for minister registration to officiate a wedding, and ho...

Navajo Nation lawmakers reconsider ban on same-sex marriage

554 DAYS AGO | 9.7.2023

Navajo Nation lawmakers reconsider ban on same-sex marriage

Learn about current and ongoing efforts to repeal the 2005 Diné Marriage Act, which bans same-sex marriage within the Navajo Nation. Legislation No. 0139-23 ...

How to Get Married in New Mexico - Planning a wedding in the Land of Enchantment

1152 DAYS AGO | 1.17.2022

How to Get Married in New Mexico - Planning a wedding in the Land of Enchantment

A step-by-step guide to getting married in New Mexico - from finding an officiant and choosing a wedding venue, to how to apply for, complete, and return you...


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