7 "Asked To Officiate" Category Articles

1461 DAYS AGO | 5.13.2020

12 Popular Wedding Ceremony Components – (almost) everything you might want t...

Before you start writing your wedding ceremony script, take a moment to read about the different components, and how the combine to create a wedding ceremony...

1567 DAYS AGO | 1.28.2020

How to find a wedding officiant in 2020: How online ordination makes the best...

You probably already know the perfect wedding officiant, but what's the best way to start looking, and who is that person?

1638 DAYS AGO | 11.18.2019

Attention Couples: Want an Awesome Ceremony? Schedule regular meetings and wo...

Want an awesome wedding ceremony? Schedule regular meetings and open communication with your wedding officiant. It's that simple!

A woman in a formal long-sleeve pink shirt looks off to the side with a nervous or anxious expression on her face, she's grimacing in a concerned way. She is against a pink background.

1712 DAYS AGO | 9.5.2019

Breathe in, Breathe Out: Calming Brides' and Grooms' Nerves

Attention wedding officiants: If the bride or groom are nervous before the wedding ceremony, these tips will help calm their nerves and ensure that the weddi...

1723 DAYS AGO | 8.25.2019

America Needs You to Get Ordained Online!

Getting ordained online by AMM allows you to serve your community and practice your faith on your own terms.

1875 DAYS AGO | 3.26.2019

Ceremony Writing: What Pieces Make Up a Wedding Ceremony?

Learn the secrets of how to write an original wedding ceremony script, including and introduction and welcome, a wedding reading, vows and ring exchange, and...

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Asked To Officiate Articles

Close up photo of a wedding officiant performing a handfasting ceremony, with the couple holding hands as a braided cord is wrapped around their wrists to symbolize their marriage

1938 DAYS AGO | 1.22.2019

How to Include Family and Friends In Your Wedding Ceremony

Here are some tips to get friends and family members involved in the wedding ceremony, from delivering a special wedding reading, joining in a ring warming, ...


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