7 "Asked To Officiate" Category Articles

12 Popular Wedding Ceremony Components – (almost) everything you might want to include in your wedding ceremony and more!

1536 DAYS AGO | 5.13.2020

12 Popular Wedding Ceremony Components – (almost) everything you might want t...

Before you start writing your wedding ceremony script, take a moment to read about the different components, and how the combine to create a wedding ceremony...

How to find a wedding officiant in 2020: How online ordination makes the best officiants

1642 DAYS AGO | 1.28.2020

How to find a wedding officiant in 2020: How online ordination makes the best...

You probably already know the perfect wedding officiant, but what's the best way to start looking, and who is that person?

Attention Couples: Want an Awesome Ceremony? Schedule regular meetings and work closely with your officiant!

1713 DAYS AGO | 11.18.2019

Attention Couples: Want an Awesome Ceremony? Schedule regular meetings and wo...

Want an awesome wedding ceremony? Schedule regular meetings and open communication with your wedding officiant. It's that simple!

A woman in a formal long-sleeve pink shirt looks off to the side with a nervous or anxious expression on her face, she's grimacing in a concerned way. She is against a pink background.

1787 DAYS AGO | 9.5.2019

Breathe in, Breathe Out: Calming Brides' and Grooms' Nerves

Attention wedding officiants: If the bride or groom are nervous before the wedding ceremony, these tips will help calm their nerves and ensure that the weddi...

America Needs You to Get Ordained Online!

1798 DAYS AGO | 8.25.2019

America Needs You to Get Ordained Online!

Getting ordained online by AMM allows you to serve your community and practice your faith on your own terms.

Ceremony Writing: What Pieces Make Up a Wedding Ceremony?

1950 DAYS AGO | 3.26.2019

Ceremony Writing: What Pieces Make Up a Wedding Ceremony?

Learn the secrets of how to write an original wedding ceremony script, including and introduction and welcome, a wedding reading, vows and ring exchange, and...

Asked to Officiate a Wedding?

Follow these simple steps to perform marriage for friends and family.

More Asked To Officiate Articles

Close up photo of a wedding officiant performing a handfasting ceremony, with the couple holding hands as a braided cord is wrapped around their wrists to symbolize their marriage

2013 DAYS AGO | 1.22.2019

How to Include Family and Friends In Your Wedding Ceremony

Here are some tips to get friends and family members involved in the wedding ceremony, from delivering a special wedding reading, joining in a ring warming, ...


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