Lori Prashker-Thomas, CPWO
Minister ID: 195829-108854 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Lori Prashker-Thomas, CPWO at Riverfront at Northampton Portal in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on March 27th, 2020.
"Congratulations Amy & John! The ceremony may have been a little different than planned but the wedding/elopement went on with me 6 feet away and a few onlookers from the bridge above the Northampton Portal before the stay-at-home-order goes into effect!!! Remember "this is a moment of celebration. The world does a good job of reminding us of how fragile we are. May the love you have found grow in meaning and strength until its beauty is shown in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving.""
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OFFICIANT: Amy and John, you have come here today to marry your best friend. Marriage is a commitment to life… a sacred and eternal union that is lovely in its innocence, mighty in its strength, and richly filled with possibilities. You are taking into your care the happiness of a person whom you love with all your heart. Be gentle caregivers, honoring one another’s trust.
Today you both choose to unite your lives together as one. In doing so, remember that everything that you need already resides within you … all of the love, wisdom, compassion, and strength. You are not marrying each other in hopes of gaining these things, but for the privilege of giving them as gifts that the other might have in even greater abundance. Love is a promise that is always kept, a fortune that can never be spent, a seed that can flourish in the most unlikely of places. And within this unfading radiance, this mysterious and magical joy is the greatest treasure of all - one known only by those who truly love.
Charge to the Couple
Love will be the core of your marriage, but it also will take trust - to know in your hearts you want the best for each other. It will take dedication - to stay open to one another; to learn and to grow together even when this is not always so easy to do. It will take faith - to always be willing to go forward to tomorrow, never really knowing what tomorrow will bring. And it will take commitment - to hold true to the journey you both now pledge to share together. AMY & JOHN, in the days ahead of you, there will be stormy times and good times, times of conflict and times of joy. I ask you to remember this advice: Never go to bed angry. Let your love be stronger than your anger. Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend than to break. Believe the best of your beloved rather than the worst. Confide in your partner and ask for help when you need it. Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship. Give your spouse the same courtesies and kindness you bestow on your friends. Say "I love you" every day.
AMY & JOHN, the person next to you is soon going to be your spouse. At this moment you are individual persons, friends, and companions. I ask you at this time to please face each other and join hands as you are now ready to evolve into a new dimension of your life, joining your hearts to one.
OFFICIANT: Amy you have chosen John to be your husband. Will you love and respect him? Will you be honest with him always? Will you stand by him through whatever may come?
AMY: I will
OFFICIANT: John, you have chosen Amy to be your wife. Will you love and respect her? Will you be honest with her always? Will you stand by her through whatever may come?
JOHN: I will
OFFICIANT: And finally, AMY & JOHN, do you promise to support, guide and encourage Jocelyn in all of her hopes and dreams? Answer together, we will!
AMY & JOHN: We will.
The exchanging of vows and the giving and receiving of rings is a commitment to make a life together and to share the uncertainties of the future, knowing that your love for one another remains constant through it all.
OFFICIANT: John, please place Amy’s ring halfway on her finger, hold it there and repeat after me.
I, JOHN, take you, AMY, as my friend and love, (pause and repeat)
beside me and apart from me, (pause and repeat)
in laughter and in tears, (pause and repeat)
asking that you be no other than yourself, (pause and repeat)
in all the ways that life may find us. (pause and repeat)
I will be faithful and honest with you. (pause and repeat)
I will respect, love and care for you. (pause and repeat)
I will share my life with you from this day forward. (pause and repeat)
Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you (pause and repeat).
Push her ring the rest of the way onto her finger
Amy, please place John’s ring halfway on his finger, hold it there and repeat after me.
I, AMY, take you, JOHN, as my friend and love, (pause and repeat)
beside me and apart from me, (pause and repeat)
in laughter and in tears, (pause and repeat)
asking that you be no other than yourself, (pause and repeat)
in all the ways that life may find us. (pause and repeat)
I will be faithful and honest with you. (pause and repeat)
I will respect, love and care for you. (pause and repeat)
I will share my life with you from this day forward. (pause and repeat)
Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you (pause and repeat).
Push his ring the rest of the way onto his finger
This is a moment of celebration. Let it also be a moment of dedication. The world does a good job of reminding us of how fragile we are. May the love you have found grow in meaning and strength until its beauty is shown in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving. May the flow of your love help brighten the fate of the earth. May the source of all love touch and bless us and grace our lives with color and courage.
John & Amy, you have declared before me that you will live together in marriage. You have made special promises to one another, which have been symbolized by the joining of hands, the taking of vows and the giving and receiving of two rings. By the authority vested in me by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
John & Amy, you may now kiss!
It is my honor to present to you
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