Marilynn Louise Bachorik

Minister ID: 107966-21108 View Ordination Certificate

The Wedding of Terri Tocco & Mike Peppard

Officiated by Marilynn Louise Bachorik in Michigan on May 11th, 2013.


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Terri Tocco And Mike Peppard’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Welcome, everyone.

“Love comes quietly, but you know when it’s there because suddenly, you’re not alone anymore.”

(Joan Walsh Anglund)

Love binds us . . . to our families, to our close friends, and to those we choose to share our lives.

In this wide world, Mike and Terri have found one another, and they’ve made the choice to share their lives. So we are happily gathered here today to witness as they join together in marriage.

I am honored to be performing this ceremony because I believe in marriage, in the idea of making a true commitment. There’s something wonderful about two people discovering that they are meant to be and making that decision to join hands and go through life together.

Terri likes the Beatles song, “In My Life,” and I think those lyrics talk about the wonderful discovery two people make as they decide to get married.

They know they have good memories of friends and family, and they won’t lose affection for those people, but now they’ve made something new. In their lives, they love each other more.

That’s what the commitment of marriage is about. Two good people, two already rich lives, coming together to make something new. Something more important. A place where they love each other more.

I looked and looked for other beautiful quotations to set the theme for this ceremony, and of course, other than the Beatles song, Mike & Terri were no help, just telling me to “say whatever you want.” So I thought that I’d just talk about love and quote all of my favorite poets. You know, maybe just rattle on until someone fell asleep. Then Terri burst my bubble and told me that the real theme for me is to “keep it short.”

So I turned to my favorite American author, Mark Twain. He may not be known for his romanticism, but he does offer some excellent advice. He said,

“There isn't time -- so brief is life -- for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving -- and but an instant, so to speak, for that.”

Terri & Mike--it goes by so fast. Make it special. Make it good.

Mike, do you have a ring for Terri?

(places ring on her finger)

Mike Peppard, in front of these witnesses, do you declare that you choose to become Terri’s husband? Do you promise to cherish her, to respect her, to take care of her, to value her, and always to be faithful to her?  As you give her this ring, do you also give your hand, your heart, and your love, today and for the rest of your life?

Mike says “I do.”

Terri, do you have a ring for Mike?

(places ring on his finger)

Terri Tocco, in front of these witnesses, do you declare that you choose to become Mike’s wife? Do you promise to cherish him, to respect him, to take care of him, to value him, and always to be faithful to him? As you give him this ring, do you also give your hand, your heart, and your love, today and for the rest of your life?

Terri says “I do.”

I have another quotation from Mark Twain.

“Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.”

So, Terri & Mike, you have a long way to go, and I hope your journey is filled with joy.

By the power vested in me by the State of Michigan and with my heartfelt congratulations, I pronounce you husband and wife.

Would you like to kiss your bride?

Ladies & Gentlemen, I invite you to raise a cheer for the newly married Terri Tocco and Mike Peppard.


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