Stephanie Lyn Lurz
Minister ID: 508376-245043 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Stephanie Lyn Lurz in Nebraska on June 14th, 2018.
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Stephanie has not submitted any photos yet.Brenda Brown and Brandon Pollard Wedding
Welcome friends and family. Many of you have been in either Brenda’s life or Brandon’s life when they were in different relationships, careers, and on different paths in life. The amazing part of this is that means you have been able to watch their journey as their lives began to cross paths and eventually intertwined to become one. The journey has not always been an easy one. There have been many ups and downs along the way. But each of those ups and even the downs have been a learning experience. Every one of you here is special to Brandon and Brenda as each of you have been the ones to encourage, support, and guide them during their journey that has lead their path to today—their wedding day.
Brandon, Do you take Brenda to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to support her dreams, to lift her up and to encourage her during times of hardships as well as during times of success? Do you vow to be the one that brings out the best in her and to love her unconditionally when her worst is exposed? Reply: “I do”
Brenda, Do you take Brandon to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to support his dreams, to lift him up and to encourage him during times of hardships as well as during times of success? Do you vow to be the one that brings out the best in him and to love him unconditionally when his worst is exposed? Reply: “I do”
Ring Exchange
Brenda, place the ring on Brandon’s hand and repeat after me “I give you this ring to symbolize my unending love for you. It is my promise that you will never have to journey through life alone.”
Brandon, place the ring on Brenda’s hand and repeat after me “I give you this ring to symbolize my unending love for you. It is my promise that you will never have to journey through life alone.”
I pray that each of you will continue to be there for Brandon and Brenda during their struggles and the triumphs that will come as they continue their journey as husband and wife. Brenda and Brandon, I pray that you will continuously build on the foundation of your relationship so it will be sturdy. And while not every day will be perfect, I pray you cherish the ones that are as they will be the days that will push you forward and remind you that every day together is worth fighting for. For most people June 14th will just be another day on the calendar; but to all of you and to Brenda and Brandon June 14th will be a day to celebrate! It will be the day that the two of you took that leap of faith to say the journey of our lives will never be travelled alone again.
By the power vested in me by the state of Nebraska and the American Marriage Ministries I am honored to pronounce you husband and wife. Brandon you may kiss your bride! It gives me great pleasure to give congratulations and to introduce to everyone for the first time to Mr. and Mrs. Pollard!
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