Marilynn Louise Bachorik

Minister ID: 107966-21108 View Ordination Certificate

The Wedding of Cathy Alderman & Diane Ehret

Officiated by Marilynn Louise Bachorik in Michigan on November 14th, 2015.


"I have known Cathy and Diane for years and was so excited when the law in Michigan changed and this loving couple was finally able to be married. It was an honor to perform the ceremony for them."

Marilynn Louise Bachorik


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Cathy Alderman And Diane Ehret’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Welcome, everyone.

Please have a seat.

Love. No matter what the Beatles said, it’s not all we need, but it sure does make us happy.

Love is the best that is within us. Love is that magic connection that’s as strong as steel and as fragile as silk. And we all need it.

We are here today to celebrate love. Cathy and Diane told me that they like a quote from one of my favorite authors, Mark Twain. He said that

“Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.”

Well, Diane and Cathy have been committed to one another other for more than a quarter of a century, so I think they can be confident that they indeed are meant to be together.

I am honored to be performing this ceremony because I believe in marriage, in the idea of making a true commitment.

There’s something wonderful about two people discovering that they are meant to be and making that decision to join hands and go through life together.

Those of you who are happily married, or who have ever been happily married, think back to when you met your love. Think about when you actually made that serious decision to get married. When you said this is it, and you were willing to commit your all to that person. Then think about how crushing it would have been if someone had told you No! You can’t get married…”

Well, today we are happily gathered here to witness and to celebrate that now, finally, Cathy and Diane CAN get married. Love conquers, love wins, and love endures.

I like to ask couples who are getting married if they can give me some ideas of poems or songs I can use to make the ceremony personal and really meaningful to them. When I asked these two, I crossed my fingers a bit as I waited for their answers because I wasn’t sure how I’d be able to work “Dancing Queen” or “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” into the ceremony, but they surprised me and suggested “The Best of Times” from La Cage aux Folles.

“The best of times is now.

As for tomorrow, Well, who knows?

So hold this moment fast,

And live and love

As hard as you know how

Because the best of times is now.”

For Cathy and Diane, this, right now, this is the best of times. Tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us, so they will hold fast, and live and love as hard as they know how and make these moments last.

So, now here we go.


Diane, do you take Cathy as your lawfully wedded spouse, your partner in life, and your one true love? Do you

promise to trust her, honor her, and respect her? To listen, appreciate, and understand her? Do you promise to laugh with her and cry with her? To share in her dreams and support her in her goals? To take care of her and cherish her in sickness and in health? For richer, for poorer? In good times and in bad times?

Diane, in front of these witnesses, do you promise to love Cathy faithfully, from each sun to each moon, from tomorrow to tomorrow, as long as you both shall live?

Diane answers “I do.”

Cathy, do you take Diane as your lawfully wedded spouse, your partner in life, and your one true love? Do you promise to trust her, honor her, and respect her? To listen, appreciate, and understand her? Do you promise to laugh with her and cry with her? To share in her dreams and support her in her goals? To take care of her and cherish her in sickness and in health? For richer, for poorer? In good times and in bad times?

Cathy, in front of these witnesses, do you promise to love Diane faithfully, from each sun to each moon, from tomorrow to tomorrow, as long as you both shall live?

Cathy answers “I do.”


Diane and Cathy have chosen to have two wedding bands to wear with the commitment rings they have already worn for many years.

The first wedding band is placed closest to the heart. The second is placed above the commitment ring to surround and protect their commitment to one another other.

Diane says:

With this ring I thee wed

and commit to you my hand and my heart,

for now, forever, for always.

Cathy says:

With this ring I thee wed

and give to you my heart and my love,

today, tomorrow, and forever,

“Make of your hands one hand,

Make of your hearts one heart,

Make of your vows one last vow:

Only death will part you now.”

By the power vested in me by the State of Michigan and with my happy and heartfelt congratulations, I now pronounce you legally married.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I invite you to stand and raise a cheer for the newly married Cathy Alderman and Diane Ehret.



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