Aldon Jacob Roces Datanagan

Minister ID: 1282233 View Ordination Certificate

Ariel and Tyler's Wedding

The Wedding of Ariel Graykowski & Tyler Powell

Officiated by Aldon Jacob Roces Datanagan at Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery in Pleasanton, California on September 20th, 2024.


"This was the first wedding I ever ministered. Luckily for me, it was two people that I care deeply for and know a lot about. I jam packed my script with references they'd like and life lessons throughout. I enjoyed being able to do this in front of my close friends and family, and would love the opportunity to do another wedding sometime! How They Met "Tyler and Ariel met during their time at UCLA, where they were both studying for their PhDs in Geophysics and Space Physics. At the end of Tyler's first year in graduate school (Ariel's 3rd), he decided on a whim to invite Ariel to a party at his apartment. Since that party, Ariel and Tyler continued to hang out, looking for any excuse they could find to do so. "Can I study at your apartment? My roommate is kind of loud." "Want to come to the Getty Museum with me? My sister has an extra credit project to do there." Tyler and Ariel have been together since May 2018. In that time they travelled all over the world, played lots of video games, watched plenty of anime, ate really really really good food, graduated with their PhDs, and moved across the country to Washington D.C. We are excited to get married in northern California this September!" "

Aldon Jacob Roces Datanagan


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Ariel Graykowski And Tyler Powell’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

"Please find your seats"

• Music starts

• Kathy and Steve walk down and sit

• Oanh and Michael walk down and sit

• Tyler walks down and stands near Aldon

• As the bridesmaids walk in, Aldon will start this speech:

"Ariel and Tyler have chosen to adapt elements of the traditional Vietnamese Tea

Ceremony to honor their parents and grandparents today. The serving of tea is

an expression of gratitude from children to their parents for all their love and

support. It is also a celebration of gaining a son or daughter into each family.

The groom's party will offer traditional gifts to be received by the bridal party.

The parents will light incense to the ancestors. The bride and groom will serve

tea to each set of parents as a gesture of love and appreciation. When serving

the tea, the couple will present the teacup with both hands as a sign of respect.

After the parents take a sip of the tea, they will present the couple with gifts of

red envelopes. Red symbolizes good luck and is the color associated with


• Bridesmaids walk in one by one, holding bouquets (even Marcus)

• Hannah, Marcus, Kirsten, Hanna, Shelby, Danielle, Danielle

• Bridesmaids set bouquets on tea ceremony table (except Hannah)

• Groomsmen walk in one by one, holding tea ceremony trays

• Evan, Liana, Akash, Yufan, John, Ettore, Pavan

• Groomsmen line up in front of bridesmaids, and hand off the trays (except Evan)

• Groomsmen walk to Tyler's side and line up accordingly, Liana grab her bouquet from tea

table (the one Marcus bought in) while Bridesmaids place trays on the table, uncover them,

place the fabric under the table, grab their bouquets and line up by Ariel accordingly

• Parents rise from their seats to light incense on tea table

• Oanh, Michael, Kathy, and Steve (each bow 3x with lit incense in hand, and then

place inches in jar one by one)

• Steve runs to get Ariel (there will be a bit of a pause here, but that's okay)

"Please stand for the bride"

• Ariel and Steve walk down the aisle

• Hand off to Tyler and Steve takes his seat again

• Ariel gives her bouquet to Hannah

• Ariel and Tyler go to the tea table, light incense, bow 3x, place incense in jar, and pour tea

• Ariel and Tyler serve tea to Steve, Kathy, Oanh, and Michael in exchange for red envelopes

• Ariel and Tyler will walk back to Aldon, Hannah fixes Ariel's train (she may need to hand her bouquets to Marcus for the moment), and music stops

Please be seated. Dearly Beloved, Honored Guests, and Dublin Gaels,

We are gathered together here to join Ariel Graykowski and Tyler Powell in the spiritual union of marriage.

My name is Aldon Jacob and I'll be officiating this wedding. I would joke and say I'm their most handsome friend, but I can't in good conscience do that while Richard is sitting right there, so I'll just say I'm their self-proclaimed funniest friend. Yellow power! As you can tell, I'm pretty loud and weird, but our bride and groom chose that over a pretty basic script about space and love that Yvonne handed me before the ceremony. I like to be the only thing that Yvonne hasn't planned for, similar to how I did with my then 19 and 21 year old parents when I was born. Please bare with me as I make a ton of jokes you probably won't understand.

If you use the internet and you've ever cared way too much about fictional and nonfictional relationships, you'll understand when I say that Ariel and Tyler is one of my favorite ships. Tyriel Powski. I'm still workshopping the name for my Tumblr tags.

I hope you two have more than a THOUSAND SUNNY days and when the seas get rough, you'll weather the storm and return to when things were GOING MERRY.

Through it all,

Through all the troubled time,

Through the heartache

And through the pain.

Know that I

Will be there to stand by you,

Just like I know you’ll stand by me.

So as we watch this boat of love embark on its journey, I invite you to

Come on board and bring along,

All your hopes and dreams.

Together we will find everything

That we’re looking for.

One Piece.

This contract is not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. Please remember that love, loyalty, and understanding are the foundations of a happy and enduring home. One thing that I'd add that's not a part of the generic the amm dot org script is paying attention. Maybe your spouse has "New hair, new tee, NewJeans, do you see?"

Well I've known Ariel for longer than NewJeans has been around, it's been...oh my oh my God. Over a decade. I met Ariel on the last day of high school in 2008. She as well as seven other girls covered my house in toilet paper. Good first meeting. Even better when you find out that five of those seven girls, including Ariel, didn't really know who I was. Luckily for me, that chance encounter gave me the opportunity to learn more about two of them in particular.

Ariel was my wingwoman right off the bat. She gave me the guts I needed like the doctor from Persona and helped me get with another girl from that night, Shelby. You might not recognize me, but you've probably seen Shelby at some point. From Wells to UC Davis, these two were inseparable. I recall Shelby telling me that I had half of her heart and Ariel had the other. I remember thinking, "This is a load of barnacles," but sometimes people thought I had two girlfriends, so that was kinda cool. I wasn't gonna tell them what my mom had told me, which is that Shelby had a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I was essentially Ross Geller from the TV show, Friends.

For those of you that clapped, you did it wrong, it's actually *Friends Clap* or *Joey's Clap*

Ariel's loyalty is much stronger than Ross's. In 2012, Ariel had called me out for being less than what I needed to be for Shelby. We got into a huge argument and didn't talk much, yet she still drove me around when I needed to carpool. While I was angry at the time, I slowly realized that she was on to something. I was being such a celestial dragon and I needed to change. I've apologized to Ariel numerous times since then, but it never hurts to say this, Ariel. I'm sorry. You were right. And that's all you gotta do, Tyler. If you ever need more advice, you know my rate.

At any rate, Ariel has always made time for her friends. In the summer of 2013, Ariel would come over my house almost every day so our dance group, Bigeophada, could learn Kpop dances just to surprise Shelby. She'd sneak out of my house before Shelby would come over, drive around the block, and when she'd walk in, she'd say "LONG TIME NO SEE!" She would slide her dining plan card for me at the UC Davis Dining Commons, cosplay with us at a convention, and even gifted me a TWICE album as a graduation present, but things were set to change when she took off for UCLA.

In 2018, Ariel had told us that a Phantom Thief had stolen her Makoto Niijima heart which leads to this Joker.

Looking cool, Joker.

I met this Handsome Jack named Tyler on June 30th, 2018. Interestingly enough, our friendship began at the end, Lands End that is. We hiked toward the Golden Gate Bridge while we got to know each other. On our journey over, Ariel let me know that Tyler can trick, which means he can do cool flips and stuff. I asked him, what's the coolest thing you can do? With confidence, Tyler said, "An aerial." I thought WOW! This guy is real bold............I later found out that means a cartwheel without using your hands.

Tyler is a guy that feels like he's always been your friend, even when he told me that Avatar the Last Airbender is overrated, I couldn't help but listen to his wrong points. In 2022, when Tyler was living in L.A., I had texted him very last minute that we were going to be in the city of angels to get ramen at our favorite spot, Tsujita, and invited him to join us. Ariel was not around, and most normal guys would be like, "Those are just my girlfriend's friends. I don't need to go," but that's not what he did. He showed up, even though he had things to do later that day.

And Tyler would keep showing up. Back when it was Three's Company, Shelby and Ariel would team up in Mario Party against me and a computer. To this day, I still hate Luigi because of that. The girls would defeat me over and over and over again. It kept me up at night. Ariel always kicked my butt in Sonic Adventure 2, but not in my game. Not Mario Party...but everything changed when the Tyler nation attacked. Team Sawaki would form like Steph Curry and Kevin Durant, and reclaim the crown.

Tyler showed his Warrior spirit when he approached both Kathy and Gerald and asked for permission to marry Ariel. Some people would rather deal with the Yakuza or like a dragon instead of their in-laws, but Tyler is special, a chosen one, if you will. This man pulled up to a parking lot and found a Kingdom Hearts weapon along with a note that said, "The keyblade chose you."

Today, your Final Fantasy is realized as your Aerith chooses you in this Traverse Town known as Pleasanton.

I read online that a wedding can be a blur and that it happened so fast for some couples. So I want you two to take a moment to look out at the crowd. You can see friends, family, coworkers, and +1s that your parents reluctantly have to pay for. Sorry, Gerald.

Looking around here you'd think

Sure, she's got everything

But more than anything, Tyler. Ariel wants to be a part of your world.

I knew Tyler would make Ariel his whole world when he was wearing a Raiders jacket on Tuesday at the Nickles' steel tiki bar. He's ready for a commitment to excellence. He knew if they moved to Maryland, he'd just win, baby, just like the Raiders did on Sunday 26-23. Yeah, we celebrate our 8-9 team in this household. And just like the Silver and Black even if there are rough times...years....and years...and years of it, there will be moments where you fall in love all over again.

True marriage begins well before the wedding day and the efforts of marriage continue well beyond the ceremony's end. You may not want to hear this spiel from me because admittedly, I've never been married before. I have major commitment issues, but I hope that my almost sixteen years of being in a relationship can suffice.

There are so many sayings that involve love. Love is like oxygen, which is what your many plants provide. Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love.

A phrase I learned about today is, "Love is taking a $200 L and missing out on seeing Green Day at Oracle Park to be right here in Pleasanton, CA." But there is nowhere I'd rather be than right here besides maybe a Green Day concert.

There is always sacrifice and compromise when it comes to love. Tyler, maybe Kathy says something mean about Cleveland as the Warriors are playing the Cavs. Or Ariel, maybe you have to move across the country from a state you've always known. You might have some problems with your in-laws or you'll notice the flaws in your relationship. Will you still share an umbrella on a rainy day like a romance anime? Just remember what it was like before all the aquariums, before splitting cheese corn, and before your star-crossed love. Sure. There were plenty of good times, but nothing is like this. Two individuals who seek knowledge out of this world, stepping away from their telescopes, and gazing upon each other with a love that is larger than the Milky Way.

I've done a lot of talking and I'd rather be doing a lot of listening and crying, so let's transition to Ariel and Tyler who will now share their vows.

• *(Vows)*

Ariel and Tyler will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment.

• *(Ring Exchange)*

Do you Ariel Graykowski take this man Tyler Powell to be your lawfully wedded partner, to love more than partying on the weekend, in sickness and in health, in good times and when things slow down, unlike Sonic, for richer or poorer, sending him Snapchats at 4:20 with peace signs and blaze it text, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live and beyond?

• *(Wait for Confirmation)*

Do you Tyler Powell take this woman Ariel Graykowski to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, to cook Sanji level meals or late night cookieeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, in sickness and in health, in good times and on days when things aren't as divine as the beasts of Hyrule, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her, as Mipha once did for Link, for as long as you both shall live and forever more?

• *(Wait for Confirmation)*

By the power of Grayskull and the power vested in me by American Marriage Ministries and the State of California I now pronounce you wife and husband! You may now kiss your spouse.

For the first time as a married couple: Tyler and Ariel.

• Music plays

• Bride and groom recessional

• Bridal party recession 2 by 2

• Hannah + Evan

• Liana + Marcus

• Akash + Kirsten

• Yufan + Hanna

• John + Shelby

• Ettore + Danielle W

• Pavan + Danielle K

• Parent's recessional

• Officiant recessional

• Guests leave to cocktail hour

• DJ will announce cocktail hour details

Notes for after ceremony:

• Tea table needs to be brought in to the main room or front room (css real will do it)

• Bouquets need to be placed on sweetheart table (Casa real + bridesmaids will do it)

• Family + Yvonne + Mark + Aldon need to stay for photos and license signing. Bridal party is

free to enjoy all of cocktail hour


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