William Ronald Briere

Minister ID: 1061936 View Ordination Certificate

The Wedding of Sarah richardson & Steven Philps

Officiated by William Ronald Briere at Felicity church in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 29th, 2024.


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Sarah Richardson And Steven Philps’ Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

OFFICIENT: Who gives this woman to be joined to this man?

REED: I do

OFFICIENT: What about the kids?

REED: Take them too!

OFFICIENT: That was quick. You may be seated


OFFICIENT: Dear friends and family. Thank you all for coming to New Orleans

to witness a 46-year-old man finally say “I do”. Today is not just

about Steven losing his bachelorhood to taking a wife, but it’s

about the starting of a family. Today marks the first day of the

rest of their lives as one. Today marks the beginning of

something special. The coming together of these 4 separate

lives under one roof, one house, one home.

Honoring the Parents

OFFICIENT: Before we proceed further, it is important to take a moment to

Honor the parents of our beloved couple. Joanne and Reed,

Denise and her late husband, Lynwood. Today is a testament

To the love, guidance and sacrifices you have made in raising

These two remarkable individuals. From the countless bed

Time stories and scraped knees to the late-night talks and life

Lessons, your unwavering support and dedication have helped

Shape Steven and Sarah into the incredible people they are

Today. Your love has laid the foundation upon which their

relationship has blossomed, and for that we are eternally

Grateful. As they embark on this journey of love and

Commitment, let us acknowledge and thank the parents who

have nurtured and guided our bride and groom with boundless

love and wisdom.

Charge to couple:

Officiant: In a world where we are often told to marry for love, it’s crucial to

understand what love truly entails. Our culture often romanticizes

love, but the reality is far deeper. Love isn’t just about grand

gestures and passionate moments; It’s about the every day things.

the dishes, the chores, the bills and yes even the arguments over

trivial matters like the position of the toilet seat. Love, as I have

come to know it, is about vulnerability and humility. It’s about admitting

when you’re wrong and setting aside your pride to apologize. It’s

about communicating honestly, not to criticize or belittle, but to

support each other’s growth. Love is about being steadfast

partners through life’s mundane challenges, embracing each

other’s flaws and working together towards common goals. The

Bible offers a timeless definition of love, patient, kind, humble,

Forgiving, hopeful, polite and enduring. True love isn’t merely a

Result of chance or magic; it’s the outcome of continuous effort

And commitment. It’s about showing up for each other, day in and

Day out, for decades to come. May you both embrace this

Profound understanding of love and dedicate yourselves to

Nurturing it every single day. With that understanding in mind..

Pledge/Declaration of intent:

OFFICIANT: Steven and Sarah, please face each other and join hands.

Do you Steven, take Sarah to be your lawfully wedded wife,

To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in heath, to love and

Cherish, until death do you part?


OFFICIANT: Do you Sarah take Steven to be your lawfully wedded husband,

To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse,

For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in heath, to love and

Cherish, until death do you part?


Blessing of the rings:

OFFICIANT: Those shiny circles of eternal love and commitment. Steven and

Sarah may I have the rings please?

OFFICIANT: These rings are more than just sparkly accessories; they are

Symbols of your unending love and devotion. As they shine

Brightly on your fingers, may they remind you of the promises

You’ve made today and the journey you’ve embarked upon

Together. Let us take a moment to bless these rings, not just

With words, but with the collective love and well wishes of

Everyone gathered here today.


OFFICIANT: Steven place the ring on Sarah’s finger and repeat after me,

With this ring

I vow to cherish and protect you as my partner.

I promise to guide You with strength and compassion.

to honor your trust

and to always consider your well being in all that I do

I vow to wield my power responsibly,

To nurture your submission

And to create a space for your vulnerability ,

With this ring I pledge my unwavering commitment to our


Our journey

And the mutual fulfillment of our needs.

OFFICIANT: And now Sarah, It’s your turn

OFFICIANT: Please place the ring on Steven’s finger and repeat after me.

With this ring

I vow to willingly surrender myself to you

To trust in your guidance and care

I promise to honor you

And to communicate openly and honestly

And to embrace the vulnerability that comes with our dynamic.

I commit to serving you with loyalty

Devotion and respect

And to find strength in my submission.

With this ring

I pledge my unwavering commitment to our journey

Our growth

And mutual fulfillment of our needs.

Pronouncement and kiss

OFFICIANT: By the power vested in me, and witnessed by all those gathered

Here today, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may

Seal your vows with a kiss.

OFFICIANT: Ladies and gentlemen, It is my absolute pleasure to present to

You for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Philips! May your love

Continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Now let’s go

Celebrate this beautiful union.


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