Patricia Lynn Jones
Minister ID: 1194249 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Patricia Lynn Jones at Duncan Memorial in Crestwood, Kentucky on January 27th, 2024. Witnessed by Crista Hill and Nikita Newman.
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OFFICIANT (to congregation):
Family, friends, others who are not quite sure why they’re here, welcome and please be seated quickly. Veronica and Alyssa have requested a short wedding ceremony and as I don’t want to disappoint, let’s not dilly dally!
It’s traditional for the officiant, me, to give a speech about love and commitment and two hearts becoming one, which is medically speaking extremely dangerous, but in the interest of time let me just say: Love, compassion, friendship, playfulness, kindness, stuff like that. Try your best to do all those things as much as you can.
And now let’s zoom past all the boring stuff and get right to the “I do” part.
OFFICIANT (to Veronica):
You want this gal as your wife? To always allow her to be the passenger princess? To cherish and hold and all the other things they say in the movies?
_________: I do.
OFFICIANT (to Alyssa):
You want this gal to be your wife? To cherish and hold and all the other things they say in the movies?
_________: I do.
OFFICIANT (to congregation):
Present the rings...quick before they depreciate in value even more!
Rings are circles, so are donuts, hula hoops and trampolines. What I’m trying to say is let these rings, not only be a symbol of your love for one another but also a reminder to be sweet, have fun and make sure to jump on trampolines every once in a while, together.
(Here, couple may read their pre-written vows as they exchange rings).
OFFICIANT (to congregation):
I can understand why Veronica and Alyssa were in a rush. You can tell they are so in love they
just wanted to be married ASAP! I get it.
OFFICIANT (to couple):
But in this mad dash world with thousands of things demanding your attention 24/7, don’t forget to slow down every once in a while. Enjoy each other – and your new, wonderful life together.
OFFICIANT (to congregation):
By the power vested in me by the American Marriage Ministry and by the state of Kentucky. I am pleased as punch to officially introduce Mrs. and Mrs. Bailey! You may now kiss... and please, take your time.
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