Andrew D Brasfield

Minister ID: 214355-127333 View Ordination Certificate

Wilmoth Brasfield

The Wedding of Tilley Diane Brasfield & Jennifer Elizabeth Wilmoth

Officiated by Andrew D Brasfield at Home in Harriman, Tennessee on December 1st, 2023. Witnessed by Vicki Boone and Jill Brasfield .


"It's very satisfying to officiate my daughter's wedding. Jenny and Tilley were both excited. They wanted a short ceremony with only a few family members in attendance. Tilley asked me to start with a prayer. It was an awesome experience!"

Andrew D Brasfield


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Tilley Diane Brasfield And Jennifer Elizabeth Wilmoth’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

We’re here today to witness the union of Jennifer Wilmoth and Tilley Diane Brasfield in marriage.


Today, you begin a new life together, founded in love, laughter, honesty, respect, and friendship. The promises you make to each other today should not be taken lightly. A marriage is more than a ceremony – it is a lasting and lifelong commitment.

The future promises many happy days ahead, filled with unique opportunities, adventures, and challenges. It is through trust, love, and the unfailing support of each other that you will meet these inevitable ups and downs.

*(Declaration of Intent)*

Face each other and take hands.

Jenni and Tilley, no words of mine or any other person can truly marry each of you to the other. That is done only when you exchange your promises and commit yourselves to this marriage and each other. So I ask you:


Do you Tilley take Jenni to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?

*(Wait for Confirmation)*

Do you Jenni take Tilley to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?

*(Wait for Confirmation)*

*(Ring Exchange)*

If you have rings, please take them out now.

The wedding ring represents the promises and potential of marriage. It has no beginning and no end, and is a timeless symbol of the love and commitment you have pledged. As you wear your ring, let it remind you of the love you feel here today.


Tilley, please place the ring on Jenni's finger, and repeat after me:

I give you this ring to wear with love and joy.

As a ring has no end,

neither shall my love for you.

I choose you to be my spouse

this day and forever more.

(Partner B repeats each line after the Officiant)


And Jenni, please place the ring on Tilley’s finger, and repeat after me.

I give you this ring to wear with love and joy.

As a ring has no end,

neither shall my love for you.

I choose you to be my spouse

this day and forever more.

(Partner A repeats each line after the Officiant)


And now, as much as you, Jenni and Tilley have given and pledged your love and faithfulness, each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the state of Tennessee and American Marriage Ministries, I now pronounce you married!

You may now seal your marriage with a kiss!



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