Marla Janine Gayle

Minister ID: 781074 View Ordination Certificate


The Wedding of Wilmer Perez & Idalyn Ivonne

Officiated by Marla Janine Gayle at At their Home in Jonesboro, Georgia on August 28th, 2023.


"I was dropping off donations and my brother told me to drop some off at his friends house. That day I just had an extra hour to spare so I drove there and she asked if I could officiate their wedding and I said, yes, let me know the date and I will make arrangements to do so. They read my T-shirt and were inspired right then and there to say marry us now. So I did. Her daughter was there and she was the only witness, her daughter had suffered a terrible accident last year and survived. Since then the couple although he is not her dad, the situation got them closer. Her daughter is doing very well. Their prayers had been answered in more than one occasion and clearly this was all by faith. "

Marla Janine Gayle


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Wilmer Perez And Idalyn Ivonne’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Aunque no tengamos ningún invitado, sólo un testigo responderemos a los votos.

¿Wilmer, tomas a Ivonne como tu esposa, para amarla, honrarla y cuidarla en la enfermedad y en la salud, seas más rica o más pobre, y conservarla mientras vivas?

¿Ivonne, tomas a Wilmer como tu esposo, para amarlo, honrarlo y cuidarlo en la enfermedad y en la salud, seas más rico o más pobre, y conservarte con él mientras vivas?

Como dicen las Escrituras, el que encuentra esposa encuentra el bien y obtiene el favor del Señor. – Proverbios 18:22

Por favor intercambien anillos y colóquenlos en sus dedos como símbolo de su unión.

¡Por la autoridad que me han conferido los American Marriage Ministries y el Estado de Georgia, ahora los declaro marido y mujer!

Dense un Beso.


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