Roch S. Jones

Minister ID: 592290-328946 View Ordination Certificate


The Wedding of Bernalene Divine Ramos Deang & Rojean Millare Bernal

Officiated by Roch S. Jones at Liliuokalani Park and Gardens in Hilo, Hawaii on November 8th, 2023.


"Beautiful day in the park."

Roch S. Jones


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Bernalene Divine Ramos Deang And Rojean Millare Bernal’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Rojean and Bernalene

We have come here today to celebrate the choice of Rojean and Bernalene, to join in marriage. Love is a miraculous gift, and a wedding is a celebration of that magic, and that’s why we are here today, to share in that magic.

Declaration of Intent:

Rojean, do you take Bernalene to be your wife, to love, honor, comfort, and cherish, from this day forward?

Rojean: I do.

Bernalene, do you take Rojean to be your husband, to love, honor, comfort, and cherish, from this day forward?

Bernalene, I do.

Personal Vows:



Ring Exchange:

Now, seal your promises with these rings, the symbol of the life you share together.

Rojean, repeat after me: Bernalene, this ring is a symbol of my promise to always be your lover, companion, and friend.

Bernalene, repeat after me: Rojean, this ring is a symbol of my promise to always be your lover, companion, and friend.

Pronouncement of Marriage:

Now, because you have chosen one another, and vowed to love each other in marriage, it gives me great joy to pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now share your first married kiss.


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