Shawn Fall
Minister ID: 1199039 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Shawn Fall at outdoors / resort in Fallbrook, California on April 7th, 2024. Witnessed by Leah Gonzales-Predom and Byrant Samson.
"Officating the wedding was a wonderful experience..."
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Wedding party walks down aisle
Everyone please stand for the bride
hi everyone before we get started here today ...i just have one question we have the rings? landen walks down aisle
welcome and thank you for being here today. we come together to celebrate kerry and noel as they proclaim their love and commitment to one another. you were invited as a honored guest to this celebration because you are important in the lives of the couple. please continue to support them in their marriage.
kerry and noel would like for us take a moment to remember those who cant be with us today. gramma johnnie and nicholas sison ...though they may not be physically present here today, they remain with us in spirit - they are linked forever within our lives and our shared memories,
kerry and noel please join hands, look at one another now and remember this moment in time. as you share your vows with us
** read own vows**
*(Ring Exchange)*leah and bryant please hand kerry and noel the rings
These rings symbolize love and commitment. are you ready to exchange rings as a symbol of that promise to each other
*(Wait for Confirmation)*
kerry, please place the ring on noel's finger, do you promise noel to respect ,care for, and love unconditionally, from this day forward?
*(Wait for Confirmation)*
noel], please place the ring on kerry's finger, "do you , promise kerry to respect, care for, and love unconditionally, from this day forward?
*(Wait for Confirmation)*
True marriage takes more than love, it takes hard work and patience – it is a lasting bond that joins two lives and two hearts. May you always find strength in each other, laugh with each other, and find safety and comfort in each other’s words and company. support each other when days are difficult, and continue to learn and grow closer together with each passing year. remember that love ,loyalty and understanding are the foundations of a happy and enduring home .
nono please kiss your bride
Step out of the pic
it is my pleasure to present, for the first time as a married couple, kerry and noel sison
Let's hear it for 'em
all guests please head over to the reception area to await the bride and groom
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