Beth B Sundman

Minister ID: 1113765 View Ordination Certificate

An Intimate Mabon/Fall Equinox Wedding

The Wedding of Stephanie Glenn & Greydan Katner

Officiated by Beth B Sundman at Mexicali Rose Banquet Hall in Rock Falls, Illinois on September 23rd, 1923. Witnessed by Dillon Burnick and Alyssa .


"This was my first wedding so I was a little nervous. The venue was small but adorable. Their decorations and color choices worked perfectly. It was an intimate crowd of about 40-50 people. And the ceremony was quite a DIY thing with me providing the outline and the couple supplying personalized pieces at every step. My favorite part was the handfasting cords and knot as they stated their intention. They wrote their own vows which I didn't hear beforehand and they were beautiful. The ceremony took about 20 minutes. And, I immediately got two compliments about how well it went. A very solid debut if I do say so myself."

Beth B Sundman


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Stephanie Glenn And Greydan Katner’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Ceremony for Stephanie Glenn and Greydan Katner

(reminder to silence phones) “As we gather for this special event, extra light and noise are not okay. But taking pictures with silent phones and using no flash is welcome this day.”

Processional Wedding party music

Bride’s music chosen by Stephanie (giving of the bride by godfather)


Welcome family, friends, and loved ones! We gather on this divine first day of autumn to celebrate the love discovered between Greydan and Stephanie. Autumn leaves remind us that transition is in our very nature. This ceremony will symbolize Greydan and Stephanie's transition to their next chapter in life.

The autumnal equinox is a balance between the remaining sweet summer daylight and the now lengthening nights. It is the height of the harvest season and the fall equinox often was considered a precursor to our modern Thanksgiving.

Let us all take a moment to take a deep breath and become truly present in this moment. And let us remember those unable to be with us today including Greydan’s father, David, and his mother, Stacey, as well as Stephanie’s mom, Brenda. Most parents aspire to be at their children’s wedding. We all are present here in David, Stacey, and Brenda’s place offering our support and love. Finally, let us give thanks for all we have, for the lives of Greydan and Stephanie, and for the love they’ve found.



Oh Great Spirit of the North, we come to you and ask for the strength and the power to bear what is cold and harsh in life. Whatever is cold and uncertain in our life, we ask you to give us the strength to bear it. Do not let the winter blow us away. Oh Spirit of Life and Spirit of the North, we ask you for strength and for warmth.

Oh Great Spirit of the East, we turn to you where the sun comes up, from where the power of light and refreshment come. Everything that is born comes up in this direction the birth of babies, the birth of the puppies, the birth of ideas and the birth of friendship. Let there be the light. Oh Spirit of the East, let the color of fresh rising in our life be glory to you.

Oh Great Spirit of the South, spirit of all that is warm and gentle and refreshing, we ask you to give us this spirit of growth, of fertility, of gentleness. Caress us with a cool breeze when the days are hot. Give us seeds that the flowers, trees and fruits of the earth may grow. Give us the warmth of good friendships. Oh Spirit of the South, send the warmth and the growth of your blessings.

Oh Great Spirit of the West, where the sun goes down each day to come up the next, we turn to you in praise of sunsets and in thanksgiving for changes. You are the great colored sunset of the red west, which illuminates us. You are the powerful cycle, which pulls us to transformation. We ask for the blessings of the sunset. Keep us open to life’s changes.

Declaration of intent

Please join your hands and with your hands, your hearts.

[ Join hands so that right hands together and left hands together]

[Officiant tying the handfasting knot]

These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future.

These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and as in today, tears of joy.

These are the hands that will help you to hold your new family together as one. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

To Greydan: What is your name? and he responds

Greydan, do you come here with the intention to be joined with Stephanie? If so say, "I do, for she is the beloved of my heart." Greydan responds.

To Stephanie: What is your name? and she responds

Stephanie, do you come here with the intention to be joined with Greydan? If so say, "I do, for he is the beloved of my heart." Stephanie responds.

Exchange of Vow and Rings

At this time, Greydan and Stephanie will exchange the vows they have written for each other.

Greydan: ***

Stephanie: ***

Now, Greydan and Stephanie will exchange wedding rings as a symbol of their commitment. May we have the rings? (MOH/BM)

You've both chosen to wear rings as a reminder of these promises. People often say wedding bands are a perfect circle, with no beginning and no end. But these rings did have a beginning.

The stones were formed a long time ago deep within the earth. Eventually, a series of lucky events caused them to rise to the surface, where someone dug them up. Metal was then liquefied in a furnace - molded, cooled, and painstakingly polished. Something beautiful was made from raw elements.

Love is like that. It comes from humble beginnings, and through a balance of chance and effort, imperfect beings shape it into something extraordinary. It's the process of making something beautiful where there was once nothing at all. As you look at these rings over the years, I hope you remember that. You've created something invaluable. I'm confident you'll protect the commitments you've made to one another today.

Greydan, as you place this ring on Stephanie’s finger, please repeat after me. “I give you this ring as a sign of my faithful devotion. I will always love you, cherish you, and honor the vows spoken here today.”

Greydan repeats

Stephanie, as you place this ring on Greydan's finger, please repeat after me. “I give you this ring as a sign of my faithful devotion. I will always love you, cherish you, and honor the vows spoken here today.”

Stephanie repeats


As we call down a blessing on this couple, this ceremony, and this day, the couple would like to share the following: “Happy Autumn to those above the equator and Happy Spring to those below. Remember, as above so below. We wish you love, peace, and harmony through this time of celebration.”


Greydan and Stephanie, on this day of balance, reflection, and thankfulness, you’ve vowed to honor each other as equals as you walk through life together. Best friends, lovers, and partners, at every step in the cycles and seasons of Life. Here, in the presence of your loving family and friends, and with the power given to me by the State of Illinois and American Marriage Ministries, I now declare you married! May your love be a blessing on each day! You may kiss! Friends, let’s hear it for Greydan and Stephanie!

Recessional music by Stephanie


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