Lina A Conde
Minister ID: 1154593 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Lina A Conde at Greenwood Rd Club House in Williamsville, New York on March 23rd, 2024. Witnessed by Reyna Elizabeth Davila Pedroza and Mustafa AlQaisy.
"This was my 1st wedding and it was a rush of emotions being that I am also the Mother of the Groom. I did not feel nervous and did not cry. I felt so Proud for being the minister in this special day uniting these two amazing Human Beings. A beautiful surprise was that during the rehearsal the couple asked for a slight alteration in the Ceremony making it a humoristic add on and it was just perfect. The fact that the Rooms Uncle, Best Friend and Grandma traveled to surprise him and be by his side was Perfect. Instead of Mom and Dad walking him we gave that honor to his Grandmother and it was a moment to cherish. The bride was walked by her older sister, and she was more than grateful and beyond happy. I am looking forward to future ceremonies. "
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Bienvenidos a todos a un dia muy especial no tan solo para nosotros sino para esta hermosa pareja que une su vida frente a nosortros. Un día escuché un verso de una canción (Reik titulada Eres Tú) que decía “Si te falta vida, yo te la daría. Si un dia tu me faltas, yo no sé qué haría, Porque eres el principio y el final.”
Welcome honored guests to this special day not only for us but for this beautiful couple that is here today to unite there lives! One day I heard a verse from a song called Eres Tú by Reik, that said “If you need more from life I would give it to you. If one day you are no longer here, I don’t know what I would do, because you are my beginning and my end. (You are my everything)”
Tal como dice esa canción estamos aquí para celebrar un amor como ese. Ese amor en el que uno no puede imaginarse la vida sin el otro.
El amor que se tienen uno al otro se siente como un principio y a la vez un final.
Estamos aquí para apoyar y honrar este gran amor entre (Maria Fernanda) y (Jaison Daniel).
Today we are here to celebrate this kind of love.
The kind that feels like you cannot imagine life without the other. The kind of love that you feel as though they truly are your beginning and your end.
We are here to support and honor this amazing one-of-a-kind love between (Maria Fernanda) y (Jaison Daniel).
Los dos han llegado aquí a comprometerse de ahora en adelante. A quererse, amarse, valorarse y respetarse en sagrado matrimonio.
El matrimonio ha sido y siempre será una de las formas más bellas en las que uno dice ‘Te Amo’. Porque lo dice al mundo entero.
Both have come here to make a bond that will last a lifetime.
They have come to express their love, and their commitment in holy matrimony.
Marriage has always been and will always be one of the most beautiful ways one says “I Love You” to the world. Because it is as if you are saying it to the whole world.
Tan bello que es enamorarse, el tener un matrimonio largo y duradero es difícil.
Todos aquí podemos ser testigos de que lo más importante es amarse, respetarse, y escoger seguir ahí.
En la lucha. Seguir luchando por ese amor que los unió ahora. Este gran paso es algo hermoso que vamos a celebrar!
It is so beautiful to fall in love, but staying in love is difficult.
All of us here can attest to the fact that the most important thing one can do in a marriage is love each other, respect each other, communicate, and choose to be there.
To stay in the fight. To stay fighting for the amazing love that today unites you. This amazing first step is beautiful and it is worth celebrating!
Recordemos a los que hoy no se encuentran junto a nosotros / REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES
Tomemos un momento para recordar a aquellos que hoy no pueden estar con nosotros, ya sea por la distancia como Miguel Angel Davila o porque se han ido antes que nosotros. En particular a Luis Conde (Papa Luis) y a Maritza Conde (Titi Maritza). Aunque no estén físicamente presentes aquí, hoy en día, permanecen con nosotros en espíritu, porque están vinculados para siempre con nuestras vidas y nuestros recuerdos compartidos.
Let us take a moment to remember those who can’t be with us today either because of distance like Miguel Angel Davila or because they have gone before us like Luis Conde (Papa Luis) & Maritza Conde (Titi Maritza).
Though they may not be physically present here, today, they remain with us in spirit—for they are linked forever with our lives and our shared memories.
1 Corintios 13.7 El amor nunca se da por vencido, jamas pierde la Fe, siempre tiene ezperanza y se mantiene firme en toda circunstancia.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, always has hope and stands firm in all circumstances.
Es un versículo de la Biblia que habla sobre el amor. It is a verse from the Bible that describes some of the qualities of love.
Dice que el amor soporta todas las cosas, cree todas las cosas y espera todas las cosas. Esto significa que el amor es paciente, fiel, esperanzador y fuerte. No se rinde fácilmente, sino que confía en Dios y en los demás. No expone ni exagera las faltas de los demás, sino que las cubre con gracia y perdón. No pierde la esperanza en situaciones difíciles, sino que espera que Dios obre para el bien. No se rinde cuando enfrenta desafíos, sino que persevera con coraje y resiliencia.
It says that love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. This means that love is patient, faithful, hopeful, and strong. It does not give up easily, but trusts in God and others. It does not expose or exaggerate the faults of others, but covers them with grace and forgiveness. It does not lose hope in difficult situations, but expects God to work for good. It does not quit when facing challenges, but perseveres with courage and resilience.
Se dice que el amor es ciego pero también se dice que el amor es único y sin él no se vive de verdad. Que lindo es estar enamorado. Estas hermosas promesas, y palabras que se han dicho el uno al otro son prueba de todo lo que han vivido y todo lo bello que ha de venir después.
It is said that love is blind, but it is also said that love is really all you need and without it one has not really lived. How beautiful it is to be in love. These beautiful promises and words you have spoken to one another is the proof of everything you have lived. Of everything that is still yet to come.
May I have the rings, please?
Los anillos que una pareja escoge siempre serán muy especiales.
Ese anillo que se ponen en el dedo de ahora en adelante será un recuerdo de todo lo que se aman, de todo lo que se han prometido el día de hoy, de cada adversidad que han pasado y de siempre luchar el uno por el otro.
The rings that a couple chooses will always be very special.
These rings that you place on your fingers today will be a symbol from now on, to remember how much you love each other. It is a reminder of everything you have promised, of every obstacle you have faced and to always fight for one another.
El amor siempre nos ha hecho vivir momentos inolvidables.
Es ese impulso que se dan el uno con el otro en momentos difíciles, y esa sonrisa que acompaña una mirada en momentos de plena alegría.
Es un símbolo de amistad, una profunda amistad y respeto hacia otra persona para siempre. Ahora mientras ponen el anillo a su pareja les haré una pregunta a cada uno....
Love has always made us live incredible moments in our lives.
Love can be seen in the support you give each other in hard times, in that smile you give one another across the room in moments of pure joy.
It is a symbol of not just a beautiful friendship but also a deep respect towards another person forever. Now while you each place a ring on one another I will ask you each a question…
Jaison, toma usted a Fernanda como su legítima Esposa para amar y respetar, querer y adorar, en la pobreza y la adversidad, de ahora en adelante y hasta el fin de sus días?
Jaison, do you take Fernanda as your legitimate Wife to love and respect, cherish and adore, for richer or for poorer, from now on and until the end of days?
In this moment the groom gathered with the groomsmen to discuss he is making the correct decision, (the humor was perfect).
Jaison - ANSWERED “YES," OR "I DO”
Fernanda, toma usted a Jaison como su legítimo Esposo para amar y respetar, querer y adorar, en la pobreza y la adversidad, de ahora en adelante y hasta el fin de sus días?
Fernanda - RESPONDE “SI," O "ACEPTO”
Fernanda do you take Jaison as your legitimate Husband to love and respect, cherish and adore, for richer or for poorer, from now on and until the end of days?
In this moment the bride (with humor scene) asked ME if divorces were expensive. I advised they could be and asked her to think carefully before answering.
Fernanda - ANSWERED “YES," OR "I DO"
Hoy Jaison y Fernanda han aceptado unir sus vidas por amor. Y entonces es por eso y por el poder que me otorga American Marriage Ministries en el estado de New York. Yo los declaro Marido y Mujer. Puede besar a la novia!
Today Jaison and Fernanda have accepted to unite their lives for love. That is why by the power vested in me by American Marriage Ministries and the state of New York,
I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride!
Amigos y familiares, es un honor y un privilegio presentarles por primera vez a el Sr. y Sra. Echevarria!
Friends and family, it is an honor and a privilege to present for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Echevarria!
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