Sarah Kathryn Krause
Minister ID: 923348 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Sarah Kathryn Krause at Congregational United Church in Evansville, Wisconsin on September 16th, 2022. Witnessed by Chris Felton and Name not recorded.
"Jay and Jenny were an easygoing intercultural couple who were forming a new family after a brief courtship. They shared similar values and look forward to a shared future of care, stability, and fun family time."
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Legal ceremony
Declaration of Intent/Charge (Required)
Jenny and Jay, entering into marriage is a decision that requires careful thought and consideration.
Jay, do you freely and willingly make this commitment to Jenny?
Do you intend to treat her well?
Jenny, do you freely and willingly make this commitment to Jay?
Do you intend to treat him well?
Exchange of rings:
These rings are a symbol of eternity and the unbroken circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning and no end. Today you have chosen to exchange rings as a sign of your love for each other, and as a seal of the promises you are making.
Jay, repeat after me:
Jenny, I give you this ring
As a daily reminder
Of my love for you
Jenny, repeat after me:
Jay, I give you this ring
As a daily reminder
Of my love for you
Words of Encouragement/Final Blessing
Jay and Jenny, may you find happiness in your union, remain sympathetic and understanding of each other, and live faithfully together. It is my wish that your years may be rich in joy and that your days are good and long upon the earth.
Pronouncement of Marriage (Required)
By the power vested in me by American Marriage Ministries, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Jenny Ortiz and Jay Martin
Ceremony with celebration
Prelude: guests seat themselves (request cell silence at 5:55)
Processional begins at 6 pm
Juan (sits)
(Wedding march: Cue all rise)
Jenny and Alvin
(cue all sit)
Words of welcome/introduction
Friends and family, we are privileged to gather here today to witness the commitment Jenny and Jay have chosen to make to each other. This is a tri-lingual celebration, which means that portions of the ceremony will be shared in Spanish, American Sign Language, and English.
We come together not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize a bond that already exists.
Jenny and Jay, with each by the other’s side, your union provides a companion, a confidant, a helper, a lover and a friend. Your married life will be forged in love and tempered by patience to produce a relationship strong enough to withstand the uncertainties of life.
Today your hearts are filled with love for one another. Cherish, protect, and nurture that love always so that it may be your comfort and your inspiration. Be strong in your ability to give love as well as receive it.
4. Special dedication/remembrances
Our understanding of love is illuminated by the examples around us. As such, we honor the memory of those who are present in spirit only: Jenny’s parents Jorge Ortiz and Silvia Orozco, and Jay’s grandparents: Bill and Grace Felton. Your examples light our way.
5. Address to Congregation/Opening Remarks
Perhaps in math, two halves make a whole, but it’s been my experience that it isn’t a winning formula for a marriage. Two whole people--each with their own experiences, perspectives, cultural heritages, loved ones, and dreams--choose to come together and share a path leading forward. The value of choosing to forge ahead together cannot be overstated, because it happens again and again as you share your lives with each other.
Marriage is a bold step, taken together, into an unknown future. It is risking who we are for the sake of who we can be. Only in sharing ourselves fully can the beautiful process of growth take place. Two among us, who have stood separately, come together now, to declare their love and be united in marriage.
The words we say today have no magic or prophetic powers. The power of the wedding vow is merely a reflection of a reality that already exists in the hearts and minds of these two people. No advice I can give, and nothing you say to each other, can ensure a long, happy, satisfying and committed marriage. You get to choose, each moment of each day, to continue on the path together of building love and trust.
6. Readings
Chris is now going to share a poem with us written by European American author Elloit Arnold. It is excerpted from his novel Blood Brother.
Now you will feel no rain,
For each of you will be shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
For each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now you are two persons,
But there is only one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling
To enter into the days of your
Life together.
And may your days be good and long upon the earth.
7. Support of community
Two people in love do not live in isolation. Their love is a source of strength with which they may nourish not only each other but also the world around them. And in turn, we, their community of friends and family, have a responsibility to the couple. By our steadfast care, respect, and love, we can support their marriage and the new family they create.
Will everyone please rise?
I have an important question for all of you, the appropriate response to which is “we will.”
Will you who are present here today, surround Jenny and Jay in love, offering them the joys of your continued friendship, and supporting them in their marriage? (Cue all sit).
8. *Declaration of intent/charge
Jenny and Jay, entering into marriage is a decision that requires careful thought and consideration.
Jay, do you freely and willingly make this commitment to Jenny?
Do you intend to treat her well?
Jenny, do you freely and willingly make this commitment to Jay?
Do you intend to treat him well?
9. Exchange of vows
At this time, Jenny and Jay will share their own vows.
10. Exchange of rings
(Call Juan forward)
These rings are a symbol of eternity and the unbroken circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning and no end. Today you have chosen to exchange rings as a sign of your love for each other, and as a seal of the promises you are making.
Jay, repeat after me:
Jenny, I give you this ring
As a daily reminder
Of my love for you
Jenny, repeat after me:
Jay, I give you this ring
As a daily reminder
Of my love for you
11. Unity ceremony
(keep Juan)
Just as the wedding ceremony is a ritual to recognize the joining of lives, so too is the lighting of the unity candle a symbol of a bright, shared future. Jenny, Jay, and Juan will now light their individual candles, and then the family candle in recognition of the love joining them to each other.
(send Juan to sit)
12. Words of encouragement/final blessing
Jay and Jenny, may you find happiness in your union, remain sympathetic and understanding of each other, and live faithfully together. It is my wish that your years may be rich in joy.
13. *Pronouncement of marriage
By the power vested in me by American Marriage Ministries, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
14. The kiss
15. Presentations
I now present to you the married couple, Mister and Missus Jay and Jenny Martin!
16. Recessional
Thanks to all of you for being here, let’s celebrate!
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