Lori Ann Eastlick

Minister ID: 192384-105417 View Ordination Certificate

Steeley Wedding (Grandson)

The Wedding of Adrianna Maykala Lau (Bella) & Brandon Steeley

Officiated by Lori Ann Eastlick at Vesperman Farms in Lancaster, Wisconsin on September 3rd, 2022. Witnessed by Justin Steeley.


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Adrianna Maykala Lau (Bella) And Brandon Steeley’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Welcome Friends & Family of Adrianna & Brandon

On behalf of the Adrianna & Brandon, I would like to welcome you to witness this uniquely special event….the wedding of these two people. I would also like to acknowledge those who are here in spirit…as they too played a big role in Adrianna & Brandon becoming the people they are today.

Aren’t they gorgeous?

Many of you probably do not know me. I am Brandon’s 3rd NANA. I was lucky enough to call Brandon & Justin my grandsons about 15 years ago.

2 weeks ago Brandon flew down my gravel road and pulled into my drive way and was taking big wide steps to get to my door, ducked so he wouldn’t knock himself out on my porch roof….his face was like I never saw before. In a panic.

“Nana, you didn’t get the invite to our wedding?”

As I tried to say, “Brandon, its ok, I will be there if you want me too.”

He said, “Can you marry us?” While laughing, I was so happy to say “yes”.

He sat down to talk to me. He has done this many times before, he has always been that kid who would stop by and chat when he could. Lately, because of my work he as well as the rest of my family have not been able to do that.

He spoke of family, like I have NEVER heard a young man talk before. I realized that he had some old values that too many of us have forgotten in our busy lives of today.

Family is very important to him. Worrying about everyone else his mom, his dad, his grandpa and so many others. Worried about their lives. While listening I had to interrupt….a few of you know I can’t NOT say anything……

I said,” Brandon you are responsible for your family now. Yours and Adrianna’s.”

NOW I want to add this today:

Do not let the choices of others affect the life you have with one another. When you do that, you are not focusing on your most important relationship. You are worrying about everyone else…that is how you will lose yourself and forget the important things like being there for each other.

Too many play the short game, but the great ones play it for keeps.

It’s funny ever since I met Adrianna, I knew she was the one for Brandon. She is tenacious and patient…. qualities everyone needs when making a commitment to another. She is grounding for Brandon. Brandon is sometimes moving as fast as the clouds. She is his sky, patiently watching and waiting for his next move. And if he needs to stand still, she helps him to do just that. Brandon is always smiling. He knew it too. She was the one.

Adrianna is kind and caring, and an extremely hard worker. She loves people and animals and a great big sister.

Oh did you know, he likes Monster Trucks, basically anything that can go fast and/or make noise.

As a little boy, Brandon loved playing ball…in the grocery store he would point out fruits and vegetables that were round and say ball…..reminder to everyone secure your balls, you never know who will want to play with them.

At this time, I will ask Paisley (Brandon’s sister) to come and do a reading:


Love isn’t always perfect.

It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook.

And it doesn’t always come easy.

Love is overcoming obstacles,

Facing challenges, fighting to be

Together, holding on & never

letting go. It is a short word, easy to

spell, difficult to define, &

impossible to live without. Love is

work, but most of all, Love is

realizing that every hour,

every minute, & every second was worth

it because you did it together.

Adrianna & Brandon, please take each other’s hands

Adrianna, do you take Brandon to be your hunka hunka burning love?

And will you promise to love, and honor but not OBEY because that is creepy?

And do you promise as Brandon’s wife to not keep score, even though you are totally winning?

Brandon as you gaze into Adrianna’s beautiful eyes, are you thinking …….is it too late to elope?

And will you promise to continue to make your friends jealous of your amazing relationship?

Wedding Vows

Brandon & Adrianna have chosen these rings to represent the unbreakable circle of life & love.

Please place them on each other’s fingers and together repeat after me.

I give you this ring

To remind you of this day

When in front of your friends and family

We vow that our love can overcome all things

That our love unites, inspires and celebrates

And continue to do so for the rest of eternity.

Handfasting Blessing:

Brandon please take Adrianna’s hand

(Paisley bring rope to front)

Wrap rope holding hands together.

As your hands are now bound together

So are your lives joined in a union of love, trust and respect.

The Eternity Knot of binding symbolizes the vows

You have made.

Like the stars, your love should be a constant

Source of light, and like the earth a fine foundation

From which to grow.

May this knot of love remain forever tied,

and may these Hands be blessed.

May they always be held by one another.

May they have the strength to hold on tightly

during the storms of life.

May they remain tender and gentle as they nurture each other.

Please kiss your partner & friend.

For my finally comments:

Go be dumb together, just plain stupid.

Make bad choices, eat the wrong things, take bad turns

And then tell great stories, the same ones-forever and ever until no one can stand you but each other!

Thank you for letting me be a part of your wonderful day.

At this time, by the power invested to me by the state of Wisconsin & the internet… I would like to pronounce

Adrianna & Brandon together forever to infinity & beyond!


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