Toria R Jones
Minister ID: 811359 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Toria R Jones at Carlisle Banquets: 435 Butterfield Rd, Lombard, IL 60148 in Illinois on June 24th, 2022.
"Their personal words to one another were so sweet and the brides acceptance of the groom's son was everything."
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Processional (Entrance)
We are gathered here to join Shawn McDonald & Tiffany Ryan in the union of marriage considering the obligations & responsibilities thoughtfully & seriously. Who knew a chance meeting at a birthday party would birth a lasting friendship and flourish into the forever love being celebrated today.
Declaration of Intent
Shawn & Tiffany, you are about to make a life long committment adding another pillar of strength to your enduring love. May you honor this comittment with your whole heart as you experience the joys of marriage.
Shawn, do you take thee Tiffany to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness & in health, for better or worse, in prosperity or hardship, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live.
Shawn Responds “I Do.”
Tiffany, do you take thee Shawn to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness & in health, for better or worse, in prosperity or hardship, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live.
Tiffany Responds “I Do.”
Lighting of the Unity Candle
At this time we will have the lighting of the unity candle.
Shawn & Tiffany will light the outside candles symbolizing the uniting of their lives, as well as the two families from which they come.
Shawn & Tiffany will then use the outer candles to light the center candle. The three candles will then remain lit.
These Three lights now shine in this union. Shawn, Tiffany, & their families are now forever unified because of this couple’s commitment to each other. May your marriage last for years to come.
Ring Exchange
Now the couple will exchange rings as a symbol of their love & fidelity.
Shawn please place the ring on TIffany’s finger and repeat after me…
With this ring, I choose you this day & forevermore.
Tiffany please place the ring on Shawn’s finger and repeat after me…”
With this ring, I choose you this day & forevermore.
Officiant Blessing
These words I leave with you…I commend you for taking the time to be secure in your decision to marry. May all that you are, always be beautifully in love with each other growing and shinning brightly with each passing day. Purpose to honor each other’s feelings, enjoy each other’s presence, and always see & encourage the best in each other. Though life’s challenges will come, the strength of your faith in God & your friendship will always win.
By the authority vested in me by American Marriage Ministries and the State of IL. I now pronounce you Husband & Wife. You may salute your bride.
Now introducing for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McDonald!
Recessional (Exit)
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