Michael Eric Rydberg
Minister ID: 771313-507949 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Michael Eric Rydberg at Indian Pond Country Club in Kingston, Massachusetts on September 23rd, 2022.
"My 8th Wedding. A beautiful, blustery day, a wonderful couple and charming venue. Truly Blessed."
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Dearly Beloved and Honored Guests,
Introduction of the Ceremony and the couple:
Welcome everyone to the Marriage ceremony of Joe Rossi and Catherine Joyce. My name is Michael Rydberg, I am a Deacon of the First Congregational Church in Marshfield and Minister of The American Marriage Ministries. I am honored to join this couple in holy matrimony. I have known Joe here for many years. He was a Sunday School student of mine and a student in my Confirmation Class.
Joe and Catherine both went to school in Marshfield, but they never met in school. Catherine met Ashley in their 3rd grade class, but Catherine wasn’t even aware that Ashley had a brother. As a minister of God, I believe in destiny, so, I was curious. How did God bring this couple together? Was it love at first sight? (It was not.).
In 2016, Joe came to Catherine’s place of employment to do a presentation on flood insurance, but the two did not speak. Joe was, however, eyeing Catherine from across the room. Fast forward two years, and Catherine and Joe reconnected online. Joe then tried to court Catherine for an entire year, texting her weekly. Simply put, Catherine wasn't ready, and ignored many texts from Joe and avoided going on a date.
So, you are probably still wondering, how did this couple end up here? What did God use to bring them together? It turns out, it was fantasy football!
Joe was about to give up on courting Catherine, and in August 2019, Catherine asked Joe to join her fantasy football league (She needed one more person in her league, and thought, “why not Joe? He texts me all the time anyways.”). Joe thought to himself, “do I spend the $50 to join the league and maybe finally get to go on a date with this girl?”
Joe decided to join the league, which opened the floodgates. After talking more regularly, Joe asked Catherine out to breakfast on September 21, 2019 - three years and 2 days ago from today. Catherine, to Joe’s surprise, said yes. Joe, stunned, sped from his house to her apartment to pick her up - and to The Corner Café they went. That was the first day of the rest of their lives.
The two quickly became smitten and moved in together. Catherine became increasingly aware of Joe’s charm, sense of humor (sarcasm), Joe’s love for his family, and Joe’s man crush on Kevin Harvick. Joe came aware of Catherine’s nurturing and organized ways. Thanks to one another, Joe is consistently becoming a better man, and Catherine a better woman.
On Catherine's 28th birthday, almost 2 years after their first date at the Corner Café, Joe asked Catherine to be his wife at where else?! The Corner Café. Crying many happy tears, Catherine said yes while Joe laughed at her emotional state.
Joe often thanks Catherine for the support needed to start his own business, where Catherine now works too. Joe often thinks to himself, “that was the best $50 I ever spent.” Catherine often thinks to herself how lucky she is that Joe was patient enough to wait for her, and that the love of her life did not pass her by.
How lucky the couple is to be standing here, sharing this joyous day with family and friends!
Marriage was invented my God, vouched for by Jesus and it is sustained by the Holy Spirit. Joe, it humbles me to know that you were created for Catherine. And Catherine, I am humbled to know that you were created for Joe. And I am in awe as I see his plan coming together in your union.
On with the ceremony!
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