Mitchell D Swaringim

Minister ID: 654232 View Ordination Certificate

The Wedding of Courtney Tyberzki & Ian Brown

Officiated by Mitchell D Swaringim at Redemption Ranch in Winfield, Missouri on April 16th, 2022.


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Courtney Tyberzki And Ian Brown’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Thank you all for being in attendance today. The bride and groom respectfully request that you turn off your cell phones. Please enjoy the moment and share this special time with Ian and Courtney.


Let us begin with a prayer.

Thank you, God, for the beautiful bond of love that exists between this couple.

Thank you for this wedding ceremony with family, friends and loved ones.

We are grateful for your presence with us here today and for your divine blessing on this holy event, the marriage day of Ian and Courtney.


Friends and family,

Thank you for joining us today. While for some, this is close to home, many others have travelled to be here. And I want to remind our couple how important this is. Take a look at how many people have developed you as individuals, and will support you as a couple, bound not only by your love and devotion to each other, but your relationship and servanthood to God.

We also recognize the family and friends we wish could be here, but can't. We know their love and spirit fills this room in ways we can only feel, but that does not lessen its presence.

The marriage altar is a sacred and serious juncture. It is serious because what we do here will affect the rest of your lives. And it is sacred because it involves human personality, and the holy purpose of God.

Because of this significance, the marriage altar should never be approached hurriedly or thoughtlessly, and never should it be approached in human strength alone. As in all ventures of life, it should be approached in the light and guidance of God.

As I looked into scripture regarding marriage, I was overwhelmed with passages from almost every book of the Bible about the importance of marriage. And, if my experience with biblical study has taught me anything, its that the more God mentions something, the more important it is.

The one verse that stood out to me, however, was Ecclesiastes 4:12.

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. But a cord of three strands is not easily broken"

This verse can summarize the entirety of everything I have to say to you today, so fear not- I won't take long.

Alone, you are weak, and susceptible to whatever spiritual and mental warfare may be in store. And I can promise you there will be some. God created each of you as unique individuals, and learning how to be paired with another isn't always a seamless transition.

Instead of retreating or shutting down when things get difficult, however, let God teach you how to embrace each other. Learn to share you weaknesses and vulnerabilities so that you can protect each other.

Together, you can be stronger and safer than you could ever be by yourself. You can watch the others back and pick them up when they fall.

There is a mention of a third stand, though, and this is the most important. The third strand is Christ. When you build your relationship, or "braid" this cord, intertwined with Christ as an integral part, the strength of your marriage will be unmatched. It will be tested, have no doubt. But with God as your center, you will not be easily broken.

Think back to the story of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Even though Christ was present with his disciples, that did not save them from enduring the storm. Just as your relationship with Him will not exclude you from struggles.

However, once the disciples put their faith in Christ, completely and regardless of their own comfort, he demonstrated his power by protecting those he loved, just as he will protect you.

Christian marriage is a covenant of faith, hope and love.

It is a covenant of faith between a man and a woman, established within their shared commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. It therefore requires, of both man and woman, openness of life and thought, freedom from doubt and distrust, and commitment to speak the truth in love.

Furthermore, it is a covenant of hope, which both husband and wife seek to deepen their understanding of and communication with one another.

Finally, it is a covenant of love in which both husband and wife take upon themselves the concerns of each other, and seek for each other the highest and best.

This covenant is not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. Secondary to keeping our focus on Christ, we must remember that love, loyalty, and understanding are the foundations of a happy and enduring home.

The Bible tells us that after God had created all things, he crowned his creation by making man into his own image. He put man in the beautiful Garden of Eden and gave him dominion over all he surveyed. But God looked down and realized that, even in the midst of all this beauty, man was still unhappy, for he was alone. So from mans own body, God made him a helper.

It's interesting to note that God did not take part of mans foot, so that man would trample over the woman; nor did he take part of mans head, so that woman would rule over man.

Rather, He took mans rib- the part of the body that is closest to the heart- and created woman. Symbolizing that husband and wife are to stand side by side and to meet life together, head on.

Therefore what we are doing today is not only keeping with the wisdom of our Creator, but it is also the fulfillment of his purpose for our lives.


Ian and Courtney will now share their vows.


_____, I now take you to be my wedded wife/husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy relationship of marriage. I promise to love and comfort you, honor and keep you, and forsaking all others, I will be yours alone as long as we both shall live."

Ian and Courtney will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment.

Notice the structure of the ring. The purity of these precious metals symbolize the purity and value of your love to one another. And the unending circle symbolizes the unending vows you are making.

*(Ring Exchange)*

________, as you place this ring on ________ finger, may you hereby pledge your eternal and most precious affection. Will you do so and repeat after me-

"With this ring, I thee wed".

Now the moment we've all been waiting for-

By the authority vested in me by the State of Missouri, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife!

You may kiss the bride.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

For the first time, I present to you-

Ian and Courtney Brown!


Ian and Courtney, along with their families, invite you to enjoy a cocktail hour on the patio through these doors. We will be invited back inside for the reception at 5:50.


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