Bruce Randall Ivers
Minister ID: 809545 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Bruce Randall Ivers at Omar Beikleter in Hot Springs, North Carolina on October 9th, 2021.
"I was honored to be asked by my niece (Erin) to officiate at their wedding (Erin & Omar) in October 2021. I quickly accepted however with some reservations as I had never officiated at a wedding before!!! The AMM material was spectacular and really helped me nail the ceremony. I provided Erin & Omar with a timeline and we checked in several times to plan the ceremony. While I was a bit nervous the ceremony went over very well with the audience and especially the Bride & Groom. I was approached by many after the ceremony with compliments. This was an experience of a lifetime that I'll never forget!!!"
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Erin and Omar Wedding Ceremony
Opening Remarks
Welcome to Paint Rock Farm in Hot Springs North Carolina for the wedding of Erin & Omar. You are the family and friends that are the closest and most significant people in their lives. You have travelled from every corner of the United States to be here to celebrate this very important day.
Erin & Omar know it’s no average achievement to put your own lives on hold to take the Hme and make the arrangements to hire baby siIers / pet siIers and travel to be with them this weekend.
For those of you who don’t know me I am Bruce Ivers some- Hmes called Uncle Bruce or simply Uncle B. Erin & Omar had four selecHon criteria for their Wedding Officiant. 1) the person had to be short & portly in stature, 2) a younger and more con- temporary adult, 3) have long dark brown hair preferably with a man bun and 4) be one of their Uncles. I must say that it’s the first Hme in my life that I’ve been declared the WINNER by achieving only 1 of the 4 selecHon criteria with an amazing score of 25%!! Go figure!!
Seriously, I am delighted to be here today serving Erin & Omar as their Uncle AND Wedding Officiant.
Each and every one of us is honored to be here to celebrate this incredibly joyous occasion witnessing the most important day in their lives. As Erin and Omar take their relaHonship to the next level, this gathering is a testament to love and solidarity. They take this step not because they need to but because they want to. So in great love, graHtude and joy, welcome.
To all the couples & parents here today, with your long and strong marriages, not only have you given Erin and Omar all the great ground they’ve grown on, you give them a model by which to grow their own marriage. This is a gi_ to them that has no end.
Family & Friends Blessing
Marriage is a bond to be entered into a_er considerable thought and reflecHon. As with any aspect of life it has its cy- cles, it’s ups and downs and trials and triumphs. Erin & Omar come here with full understanding of this and with the full sup- port from family & friends to be joined today as one in mar- riage.
The Couples Story
Before Erin & Omar exchange their vows. I want to give you a glimpse into their journey to help us understand what brought them to this moment today. I asked them to describe each oth- er and what makes them smile when you think of each other.
Here are their responses in “their own words”.
First...From Erin.....
When I think of Omar there is a comfort and security in know- ing that no maIer what life throws at us, we will face it togeth- er with plans A,B,C or D if necessary, and knowing that no mat- ter what, we will support one another through it.
I’m not naturally a dreamer but he is. I love hearing him talk about his vision of our future....of the house we will build....of what we will do when we reHre and .....of the trips we will take together.
Omar has a strong and intense presence but also such a light heartedness about him. He undoubtedly has the most boister- ous laugh in the room....that will in turn .... make you laugh.
His desire to take care of me and make me feel loved shows through his cooking and the food he makes for us. What makes me smile the most is that starHng today I get to call him my husband.
And now ...From Omar....
When I think of Erin, I smile when I think of how far we've come as a couple, how each step has strengthened our bond and love for one another, and how each step conHnues to brighten our future as our relaHonship matures and grows.
I smile knowing I get to enjoy life as if every day is spent with your best friend laughing at the liIle things, like how every Hme I prepare a meal for us I can see how happy she is to marry someone who does the cooking or every Hme she yells "SHOES!" when I forget to take them off at the door.
I smile at how the simplest of words can have a seismic impact on my life and can change my enHre outlook and perspecHve.
I smile knowing she will always be at my side and have my back no maIer what life brings us, a comfort and safety only your partner can afford.
And last but not least, I smile as we talk about the goals we set out for ourselves, how they make us grow closer as we achieve them, and most importantly I smile as I get to watch her chase her dreams.
Personalized Vows
Erin and Omar have prepared some special & personal vows they will now exchange. First with Erin....
Erin’s Personal Vows
I Do vows Erin
1. Do you Erin take Omar to be your husband? – I do.
2. Will you uphold the promises you made in your vows to Omar today, and for the remainder of your life together? – I will.
Now with Omar
Omar’s Personal Vows
I Do vows Omar
1. Do you Omar take Erin to be your wife? – I do.
2. Will you uphold the promises you made in your vows to Erin today, and for the remainder of your life together? – I will.
Ring Ceremony Get rings from Trent
May these rings symbolize your inherent wholeness and unity with one another, giving you the strength to happily honor your commitments to each other.
May they remind you that marriage is not a destination but a journey with a beginning and no end, just a moment to moment opportunity to love and be loved to the best of your ability.
The Ring Exchange Erin
Erin.....As you place this ring on Omar’s finger, please repeat af- ter me.
“I give you this ring as a symbol of my commitment to you
and to our partnership in life.
You have my heart always.”
The Ring Exchange Omar
Omar.....As you place this ring on Erin’s finger, please repeat af- ter me.
“I give you this ring as a symbol of my commitment to you
and to our partnership in life.
You have my heart always.”
Closing Remarks (Uncle B)
Having just heard the wonderful vows you have made to each other, I want to pass along a couple words of wisdom to YOU and to Your friends and Family here today to remember in the Hmes ahead.
First to Erin & Omar
As the pomp and circumstance of this wonderful wedding fades and life returns to normal remember the promises you’ve made to each other. The vows you have made and the acHons that led up to this marriage. It is clear to all of us here today that the words, acHons and accompanying thoughts that led both of you to this moment were of love for each other and commitment to each other. Trust me when I say that both of these will be test- ed as you navigate your married life together. There will be great Hmes but there will also be not-so-great Hmes when you must remember this day, all the wonderful reasons you got married and the family & friends that support you.
Now to Family and Friends here today
While you have travelled from far and wide to share this day with Erin & Omar your importance to them doesn’t end today. As they navigate their journey together you must be there to support them during both their goods Hmes and in the not-so- good Hmes. This support can range from a simple word of en- couragement or taking Hme out of your busy lives to lend a sympatheHc ear ........ to a deep conversaHon and some advice about What would I do in this situaHon. This support can also take many forms in todays world of technology from a text mes- sage or video call to a quick stop over or a night out to talk if you are close by them in Asheville. Any way you look at it your support of them and your life experiences will be a criHcal suc- cess factor as they navigate their journey.
Simply Put: Please conBnue to be there for THEM as they begin their journey together!!!
Erin & Omar, having witnessed your marriage vows, along with family and friends who are gathered here today and by the au- thority vested in me by the State of North Carolina, it is with great joy that I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Move out of the picture
I’m honored to present to you, for the very first Hme, Erin and Omar Belkhiter.
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