Kristin Kay Zastrow

Minister ID: 686800 View Ordination Certificate

Wedding at River Haven

The Wedding of Rachel Ann Kluba & Matthew Thomas Coleman

Officiated by Kristin Kay Zastrow at River Haven in Newport, Minnesota on May 30th, 2021.


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Rachel Ann Kluba And Matthew Thomas Coleman’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

To our family and friends, welcome to Minnesota. It's an honor and blessing to stand here with you all as we celebrate Matthew and Rachel's wedding day.

Rachel and Matthew have asked that we take a moment to ground ourselves in prayer today. If the immediate family could step forward and surround them. Please lay your hands on them and if those of you standing with us today, if you feel so inclined, please hold hands with those around you. Ryan…. If you could lead us in prayer….

(BACK UP) "Dear Lord and Savior, we thank you for bringing us to this day of joyful celebration and with Matthew and Rachel commit to each other in marriage and ask for your blessing on this day and upon your children here in front of you. May they always know and feel your gentle hand guiding and directing them on this journey together. In the great and glorious name of our Savior Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen"

INTENT TO BE MARRIED - Now, Matthew and Rachel - let's just take a moment and take a deep breath… I’d ask that you turn around for a moment and just take this scene in. As you look around, I want you to remember something - every one of these people standing beside you, and those sitting in those retro Facebook Marketplace chairs and couches out there - we are all here to support this commitment you are about to make to one another. When you feel weak, remember back to this time and picture it in your mind – Along with your Lord and Savior, we all believe in you and believe in this marriage. You are not alone. With God by your side, the power of prayer and with all of us here who love you, you undoubtedly cannot fail.

Matt and Rachel - is it your intent today, to take each other's hand, proclaim your love for one another, and enter the union of marriage? If you do, please say YES, WE DO.

REFLECTION - A little more than a year ago, your conversations began and established the foundation that brings us to this beautiful day. But before those conversations even started, God was making a path for you to find one another. Every little step along the way – the heartbreaks, the happiness, the lonely days -the days you’d question what you were doing– they were all leading you through the experiences you needed so you could be that perfect fitting puzzle piece for each other.

Let’s just reflect on how we came to be here in this moment, the uncertainty, doubt and challenges that accompanied both of your decisions to leave the comforts of home – it all led you to one another and this moment we have right now. It reminds me a bit of the story of Esther in the Bible – the book is all about God working behind the scenes. In the story of Esther, you'll meet this beautiful young queen who risked her life to serve God and save her people.

There was a divine purpose for all the decisions and details that are documented in that book of the Bible, yet none of that becomes apparent until the very end. God was arranging all the events to bring about His divine purpose - to save the Jews. In YOUR story, as difficult as it was to leave home, your friends and family, and the security that came with it, God was working through those events to bring us to this very moment. So I want you to try as best as you can to remember that. Remember that the challenges you face moving forward will all serve a greater purpose for you. Though the days ahead will not always be easy, reflect on your own personal story that brought you right here – it’s your own personal experience that shows how God was working behind the scenes the whole time. And if you need more proof, trust his word and promises in Jeremiah 29 vs 11, where he says that he has a plan for you and you will prosper. The plan he has for you today, includes a declaration of your love and commitment to one another……

DECLARATION OF VOWS So, Matthew and Rachel - if you can please join your hands together....after I ready your vows, please respond with “Yes – with the help of God”

Matthew Thomas Coleman - do you promise, in front of your God and all those gathered here with you today, to keep Rachel Ann close in your heart, pray with her and for her, laugh with her and continue to support her through life's easy and tough moments. Do you promise to choose her, be her #1 fan, grow old with her and continue to be her best friend today and every day, from this day forward. If you do, please respond with YES-WITH THE HELP OF GOD.

Rachel Ann Kluba - do you promise to keep Matthew close in your heart, protect it and keep it safe. Will you pray for him and with him, and choose him with each new day? Will you be proud of him, be the best friend he's ever had, and love him unconditionally today and every day to come? If you do, please respond with YES-WITH THE HELP OF GOD.

EXCHANGE OF RINGS - Bill, if you could present the rings…….Matthew, if you could take Rachel's left hand and place the ring on her finger. Repeat after me: "Rachel Ann, this ring is a symbol of my love and commitment to you....." "Wear this and know that I choose you today and everyday forward.... you are my person and I thank God for you".

Rachel, if you could take Matthew's left hand and place the ring on his finger. "Matthew, this ring is a symbol of my love and commitment to you...." "Wear this and know that I choose you today and everyday forward.... you are my person and I thank God for you".

FOOT WASHING CEREMONY - Bill – could you bring the chair forward? As a sign of humbleness and service to one another, Rachel and Matthew have chosen to follow in the footsteps of Jesus by washing and drying each other’s feet. In the time of Christ, it was typical for dusty feet to be washed. This was done by the slaves in the home, but Jesus took it upon himself to wash the feet of his disciples as recorded in John 13 verses 2-5. Christ showed here that his love would bend as low as possible in order to lift others up. For Matthew and Rachel, this is a reminder to one another that they should remain humble, lift each other up and serve like Jesus.

PRONOUNCEMENT - Matthew Thomas and Rachel Ann - you have come before us freely, with the intent to marry each other today and be there for each other every day moving forward. You have shared your words of love and commitment to each other, exchanged rings as a symbol of your promises to one another, and humbled yourselves in service to one another. So there's only a couple things left for us to do.... Matthew and Rachel, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Matthew? You may kiss your bride.

For the first time, it is my honor to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Coleman.


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