Rebecca Lynn Dennis
Minister ID: 799941 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Rebecca Lynn Dennis at Our Ranch in Chico, Texas on June 5th, 2021. Witnessed by Cindy Payne and Stacy Payne.
"First wedding in the books for my daughter and her wife. It was a glorious day. Everything was beautiful, everyone looked beautiful and my heart was pounding out of my chest more then the 2 brides. But it all went smoothly and everyone enjoyed it. "
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Good Afternoon, my name is Rebecca Dennis, and I have the privilege of performing this ceremony today. On behalf of Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis and Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn, we would like to say thank you to our friends and family for sharing this happiest of days with us and to acknowledge our loved ones no longer physically with us, but who’s love and support will be felt by so many.
There is a reason as to why all of you have been invited to witness this sacred union between Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis, and Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn today. It is because today marks the day that they finally make their union official. Each and every one of you have been a special part of their lives, and the couple want their friends and family to bear witness to their union, and that you take your beautiful memories of this day home with you. We are gathered here in celebration now to create the good times and memories that will be cherished by Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis and Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn and all of us here for years to come.
For both of you, you have had the chance to experience your lives together. With bumps along the way, you have learned what it means to love one another. Through good times and bad times, I have had the honor and privilege to witness how both of you have learned how to coexist as a couple. Getting married today is only one small quick step towards the meaning of true marriage.
Marriage is not just putting on a beautiful dress, or a nice suit. It isn't about having a big party, celebrating with friends and family, or partying to the late hours of the night - although we are going to do just that! All those things are what a wedding is about, but marriage... marriage is about the continued learning of not just living together as a couple of two separate lives but living your lives as one complete life. It means continually moving forward as a couple and working towards the success of your family. Let nothing stand in the way of your marriage. The success of the longevity of your marriage rests upon you. To honor your spouse, to support your better half in their ambitions, and to be a nurturing, loving pillar of your family.
Now a reading that express the sense of joy and love on this occasion. It is called 'To My Friend':
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you because you have done more than any creed could have done to make me good, and more than any fate could have done to make me happy. You have done it without a touch, without a word, without a sign. You have done it by being yourself. Perhaps that is what being a friend means, after all.
Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis, you have chosen Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn to be your wedded wife. Will you love and respect her? Will you be honest with her always? Will you stand by her through whatever may come?
(Answer: "I will")
Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn, you have chosen Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis to be your wedded wife. Will you love and respect her? Will you be honest with her always? Will you stand by her through whatever may come?
(Answer: "I will")
And do you both promise to make the necessary adjustments in your personal lives in order that you may live in a harmonious relationship together?
(Answer: “We do”)
Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis and Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn, now we come to your vows. May I remind you that saying your vows are one thing, but nothing is more challenging than living them day-by-day. What you promise today must be renewed tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you. Will you now please turn and face each other and hold hands, looking at each other.
Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis, please repeat after me:
In the presence of our family and friends, (REPEAT)
I Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis choose you Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn to be my wedded wife, (REPEAT)
to have and to hold from this day forward, (REPEAT)
for better for worse, (REPEAT)
for richer for poorer, (REPEAT)
in sickness and in health, (REPEAT)
in joy and in sorrow, (REPEAT)
to love and to cherish, (REPEAT)
and to be faithful to you alone. (REPEAT)
This is my solemn vow. (REPEAT)
Now Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn, please repeat after me:
In the presence of our family and friends, (REPEAT)
I Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn choose you Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis to be my wedded wife, (REPEAT)
to have and to hold from this day forward, (REPEAT)
for better for worse, (REPEAT)
for richer for poorer, (REPEAT)
in sickness and in health, (REPEAT)
in joy and in sorrow, (REPEAT)
to love and to cherish, (REPEAT)
and to be faithful to you alone. (REPEAT)
This is my solemn vow. (REPEAT)
The rings you are about to place on each other's fingers are symbols of the love you expressed. They will remind you of the vows you have just spoken, and of the eternal love that you have for one another.
Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis, place the ring on Cheyenne's finger and repeat after me.
As this ring encircles your finger… From this moment forward... So will my love forever encircle you... You will never walk alone... My heart will be your shelter... My arms will be your home... We will walk thru life as partners & best friends... I promise to do my best to love, cherish and accept you... Just the way you are... I give you my heart until the end of time... I have no greater gift to give.
Now, Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn, place the ring on Cheyenne's finger and repeat after me.
As this ring encircles your finger... from this moment forward... so will my love forever encircle you... You will never walk alone... My heart will be your shelter... My arms will be your home... We will walk thru life as partners & best friends... I promise to do my best to love, cherish and accept you... just the way you are... I give you my heart until the end of time... I have no greater gift to give.
You have just sealed your relationship by the giving and receiving of rings and this is a pledge between two people who agree that they will commit themselves to one another throughout their lives.
Today, this relationship is also symbolized through the pouring of sand.
Cheyenne Jordyn Dennis and Cheyenne Nichole Joslyn are now going to partake in a Sand Ceremony. In this ceremony they will each take their different colored sand and pour them into this single glass. This keepsake will be kept with them so that every day that they look upon this glass, they will be reminded of the union and promise that they make to each other today to live their lives together as one.
Three colors of sand are layered in a vase to symbolize the importance of the individuals within the marriage and the joining of the two lives into one entity.
The sculpture begins with a layer of neutral sand to symbolize that the marriage is grounded, (already in vase)
The next layers are the individual colors representing the two bride’s which symbolizes that the foundation of the marriage is based on the strength of the individuals. (pour sand individually after I read)
The final layer is to symbolize the joining of their lives as one in marriage. (pour sand together after I read)
To make your relationship work will take love.
It will take trust, to know, that in your hearts, you truly want what is best for each other.
It will take dedication, to stay open to one another - and to learn and grow together. It will take faith, to go forward together, without knowing what the future holds.
And it will take commitment, to remain true to the journey you both have pledged to begin today.
You both have stated your intent, you have declared commitment to one another, you have exchanged rings, and performed the Unity Sand Ceremony. There is now only one thing left to do...
By the power vested in me by the State of Texas and the American Marriage Ministries, I now pronounce you officially wedded wives.
You may seal your marriage vows with a kiss!
It is now my personal privilege and great joy to be the first one to introduce Mrs. & Mrs. Dennis!
End of the Wedding Ceremony.
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