Lisa Jane Hubbs
Minister ID: 537209-273872 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Lisa Jane Hubbs at Las Vegas Neon Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 30th, 2021. Witnessed by Nicole Hubbs and Lisa Hubbs.
"One beautiful couple… their treasured family… and an amazing venue made for the perfect Wedding Day for Franklin and Nicole! As always, they are added to thisbespokeheart family! I had so much fun writing their ceremony and it fit their love story like a glove! I look forward to all the blessings God has prepared for their journey as Mr & Mrs Franklin and Nicole Rodriguez!"
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Beloved family and honored guests,
Welcome to the Las Vegas Neon Museum. Today is a day of great celebration as Franklin and Nicole have come to join their lives as one! And you are here to witness and pledge your support on their journey as Mr & Mrs Franklin Rodreguez ...
Let’s begin with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Thank you Father for this beautiful day and for
this lovely couple who have come to receive Your blessing!
Thank You for the treasure of marriage and for the abundant blessings you have prepared for Nicole and Franklin in their marriage.
As we stand amidst this collection of historic Las Vegas treasures, remind us that we too leave a legacy as we walk out the days of our lives. Lead us, guide us and keep us as your very own.
In Jesus name. Amen
“In the beginning, God created a man.”
The account of their friendship is found in Genesis 2:18-24.
God creates all the wild animals and birds of the air. He brings every single one to His man and trusts him to name them all, but for Adam no suitable helper was found”... the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him”
And that brings us to this day!
Franklin and Nicole, welcome to your Wedding Day!
In the eyes of God, a name carries great significance.
Your ceremony today is unlike any other because it has been written specifically for the two of you! The name Franklin means ‘free man’ and ‘a gentleman who holds extensive area of land’... In just a few moments, Franklin, you will be receiving the richest piece of land life offers. Nicole is prepared today to give you her heart; not just one slice of it, but the whole. She will be entrusting you to care for it and I can promise that you will reap a harvest according to what you sow.
The Bible says in Luke 6:38, ‘Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure. Pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.’ Plant love, peace, patience, confidence, faith and these things will grow!
The name Nicole is a girls name of French, Greek origin meaning ‘people of victory’ They say, “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory!” Marriage is not always easy but the sooner you remember you’re on the same team; the sooner you, Nicole, remember that this man holds your heart, and the sooner you, Franklin, remember that Nicole holds your victory, the sooner the world will see the beautiful example of marriage that the two of you share!
Franklin and Nicole... the two of you have come today to join
your lives as one! Are you ready to share your personal vows?
Ladies first...per Nicole's request, Franklin, you're up!
Lasso Ceremony:
Insomuch as the two of you have shared personal vows in the presence of those you hold near & dear, we will now seal your vows for eternity with a traditional Lasso Ceremony, Blessing of the Rings & Nuptial Blessing. Godparents, please join us and place the lasso on the bride and groom in a figure 8 to symbolize their everlasting union & new status as one in the eyes of the Lord.
Nicole and Franklin,
you have chosen to incorporate the old Spanish tradition
of the lasso ritual into your Wedding ceremony today.
Lassoing is a symbolic declaration of intention that you are voluntarily binding yourselves together before your family, friends and God.
O God, bless the marriage of Franklin and Nicole,
who have come to You seeking Your blessing.
Give them wisdom and devotion in the ordering of their common life, that each may be to the other a strength in need, a counselor in perplexity, a comfort in sorrow, and a companion in joy.
Grant that their wills will be so knit together in Your will, and that their spirits in Your Spirit, that they may grow in love and peace with You and one another all the days of their life. Amen.
Blessing of the rings:
Do you have rings to serve as a symbol of the commitment you’re making? Father, bless these rings and make them so much more than the material from which they were created. Breathe life into them with the blessing of ‘peace and hope’ as Nicole in Franklin build this new life together as husband and wife... give them ‘courage and strength’ as they face the challenging seasons and ‘kindness, grace, and unfailing love’ as they celebrate the journey ahead!
Wedding Vows:
Franklin and Nicole, please join hands and repeat these vows after me as you place one another's wedding rings:
I, Nicole, take you, Franklin, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live. Franklin, with this ring, I thee wed!
I, Franklin, take you Nicole, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live. Nicole, with this ring, I thee wed!
We close our ceremony today with a Nuptial Blessing uniting the two of you as "one flesh" Father, watch over Franklin and Nicole. Keep them faithful to one another for a long, happy life together. Help them to create a peaceful stable home and to pass on the light of love to their children and to their children's children forever and ever!
“Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate”
Mark 10:9
And now by the authority vested in me by the state of Nevada and the American Marriage Ministers, I pronounce you husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and Nicole Rodriguez
Mr. Franklin Rodriguez, you may kiss your lovely bride and now wife!
Honored guests, it is my honor to present for the very first time, Mr & Mrs Franklin & Nicole Rodriguez!
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