Lisa Jane Hubbs
Minister ID: 537209-273872 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Lisa Jane Hubbs at GreenGale Farms in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 20th, 2021. Witnessed by Liz Le and Lisa Hubbs.
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John and Trisha,
Welcome to your Wedding Day!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! Today, the two of you will begin a brand new journey... together! Let’s create something special and powerful here today before you take that first single step away from this spot for ‘with the first link, the chain is forged’ Your ceremony words today are notice, choose and grow.
Let’s begin with noticing... notice the beauty in one another. In this day and time, Trisha, you found a man who loves you enough to risk it all... there was no guarantee you were ‘the one’ when he met you, there was no guarantee you would say yes when he proposed, but there is one sure guarantee.... life is not a bed of roses... there will be good days and bad days, and yet here he stands, ready to promise himself and his life to you! John, the woman before you is just that... a woman! We feel everything, we need so little and yet we need so much. Trisha is about to give you the most precious treasure she has to offer. As she places her heart into your care, please remember it’s not about things... it’s about kind words, tender looks, timely hugs and daily “I love you’s!”
Life is a matter of choices and every choice you make makes you! We are here today because you have chosen one another, you have chosen marriage, you have chosen me to officiate and you have chosen Liz to capture precious images of this once-in-a-lifetime day. The Bible makes a powerful statement about choices in Deuteronomy 30:19-20. “This day I called the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.” Choose wisely, John and Trisha, for then, you shall ‘Live long & prosper’
Last, but certainly not least, I encourage you to grow! We are standing In an orchard, the perfect classroom to learn about growing. The Bible teaches two common sense truths about planting... the seeds you plant determines what grows! Galatians 5:22-23... ‘The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law’ And The amount you plant makes all the difference! 2 Corinthians 9:6... the one who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly and the one who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully.’ Today I encourage you to plant good seed... lots of it, Nurture it with love and care because the grass is greener where it is watered and celebrate the harvest for ‘life’s true gift is the capacity to enjoy enjoyment’
The two of you have come today to join your lives as one. Trisha, please share your vows with John and repeat after me as you place his wedding ring on his left hand. I, Trisha, take you John, to be my lawfully wedded husband. Accept this ring as a sign of my love and commitment to you. John, please share your vows with Trisha and repeat after me as you place her wedding ring on her left hand. I, John, take you Trisha, to be my lawfully wedded wife. Accept this ring as a sign of my love and commitment to you.
And now, by the authority vested in me by the state of Nevada, I pronounce you husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John and Trisha Boling.
‘go boldly where no man has gone before...’
Mr. John Boling, you may now kiss your lovely bride and wife, Mrs Trisha Boling.
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