Lisa Jane Hubbs
Minister ID: 537209-273872 View Ordination Certificate
Officiated by Lisa Jane Hubbs at Cili at Bali Hai in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 17th, 2021. Witnessed by Ron Walsh and Larry Walsh.
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Lisa has not submitted any photos yet.Dearest family,
We are gathered here today to celebrate a renewal of marriage vows for a very special couple, Larry and Nancy.
In marriage we give ourselves freely and generously into the hands of the one we love, and by doing so, we receive the love and trust of the other as our most precious gift.
Today the two of you will re-commit yourselves to honoring and protecting one another, understanding that with this joy also comes to profound responsibility of protecting the bond you share.
Today, we celebrate 50 years, half a century of a loving, committed relationship! It’s a treasure and a goal most couples will never experience. As you celebrate this ‘golden anniversary’ symbolic of prosperity, strength and wisdom, let’s review a few relationship tips:
1. Inspire and encourage one another.
For it is by strengthening your spouse that you have strengthened your marriage.
2. Bring out the very best in each other!
Be sparing in criticism and generous in praise for things well done.
3. In communication, continue to be honest and open with one another, knowing that communication is the key to a successful and loving home.
4. And as always, accept your marriage as a work in progress, blessed by your daily attention, for a lifelong love requires a lifetime of hard work!
One of the great blessings of marriage is the joy and responsibility of raising a family. As Nancy and Larry’s family, each of you has played an important role in bringing them to this day. They feel truly blessed to be the parents of Ron and Larry, and the grandparents of Joe. And they are thankful to have each of you here today to share in this celebration!
Nancy, would you please take Larry’s hand & share your vows with him... Personal Vows
Larry, would you please take Nancy’s hand and pledge your vows to her... Personal Vows
Inasmuch as you have sealed this renewal of your marriage vows in the presence of those gathered here, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce that you are now, even more than ever before, Husband and Wife.
Here’s to 50 more lovely years...
Mr & Mrs Lawrence & Nancy Walsh
Mr Lawrence Walsh, you may now kiss your ever lovely bride, Mrs Nancy Walsh
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