Gregory Carlos Silva

Minister ID: 777407 View Ordination Certificate

Fairytale Princess Wedding

The Wedding of Corie Ann Marie Silva & Matthew Quinn Martinsen

Officiated by Gregory Carlos Silva at Oasis Golf Club and Event Center in Lebanon, Ohio on November 13th, 2021.


"This was my first wedding! It was my little sister's wedding and it couldn't have gone better! I sent them a questionnaire about 3-4 months before asking where they met, what they wanted out of the ceremony, what love meant to them, etc. It helped me throw in a few key pieces to the actual ceremony script. But if anything I learned, prepare, research YouTube for videos, and practice. I did all of this and I was good the day of the wedding! "

Gregory Carlos Silva


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Corie Ann Marie Silva And Matthew Quinn Martinsen’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Good evening, Corie Ann and Matthew kindly request that all electronic devices be turned off at this time so there are no distractions during the ceremony. They also request that no photos be taken during the ceremony. Photographers are here to capture these special moments and will be shared by the bride and groom. You are more than welcome to take and share pictures during the cocktail hour and reception. Thank you so much and let’s begin.


Please be seated.

(Parents Join Corie Ann and Matthew up front)

Welcome Family and Friends,

I’d like to welcome you all on behalf of both Corie Ann and Matthew and their families in joining in on this special day celebrating their love and commitment to one another. For those who may not know me, I’m Corie Ann’s brother Greg. I’m honored that she and Matthew have asked me to officiate their wedding today and be a part of this fantastic beginning of starting their new family together. No, I’m not a real minister, but according to the state of Ohio and a church out in Washington, I’m the real deal and it’s legal. This magical day is going to be filled with a lot of laughter and love shared among the bride and groom, and all of you. I know for both Corie Ann and Matthew, they’re thrilled to see so many friends and family travel from near and far to celebrate them and their love.

The relationship between children and their parents is one that’s often understated, yet very deep. And one of the rare occasions when it can be publicly acknowledged is at a wedding ceremony. On this occasion, Corie Ann’s parents proudly stand here beside their daughter representing her family. And Matthew’s parents proudly stand beside their son representing his family. They are displaying, for all of us to see, their individual and combined love for Corie Ann and Matthew.

Who brings this man and woman to be married to each other? “We Do.”

And are you all willing to sustain and strengthen this marriage by giving Corie Ann and Matthew the public commitment of your love and support through all the ups and downs ahead of them? If so, say “We Are.”

(Parents hug/kiss and return to their seats)

Corie Ann and Matthew would like to take a moment to acknowledge those family members who couldn’t physically be with us today, but are here in spirit, watching over them, loving them unconditionally, and will always hold a special place in their hearts. Grandma Ida, Uncle Luis, Memaw Chris & Papa, Carston Papa Martinsen, Grandpa Nick & Grandma Cathy Kiefer, Rob Knapp and Bill Gates, though you physically aren’t with us today, we feel your love and presence and know that you are watching over us all and cherish the time that we had with each of you.

Also, for Corie Ann’s grandparents, Edgardo and Lillian Silva, though they’d love to be here with you today to celebrate, they send their love and support to each of you and hope to see you soon and congratulate you in person.

Today is a joyous occasion where these two embark on a journey that will be filled with joy, laughter, fun, pain, tears, humility, forgiveness, but most importantly, love. Marriage is a commitment that one should not enter into lightly. It will require you to be open, to listen, to compromise, to agree to disagree, and to remember at the end of the day, you’re both humans and make mistakes, but there is nothing that can’t be fixed as long as you both work together

Corie Ann and Matthew, your family and friends are here today to support you in this journey and share in the love and commitment you have for each other. I ask each of you to look out among those who are here today and reflect on your relationships, your friendships, and feel the love each one of these people have for you. Remember that you come from parents who love you, who have guided you, and supported you in your decisions from day one. Your parents have shown you what love is and been a role model as a couple. You each bring your own characteristics into this marriage but also influences from each of your families. Today is the day that you embark on this journey to start your own family. Even though it’s a family of two right now, it will hopefully grow to become more in the future, and I implore you to take what lessons you’ve learned up until this point and instill them in your own way to this new adventure. But remember, what was once one, now becomes two. You each will need to compromise and sacrifice in your daily decisions. Remind yourself that you not only think and live for yourself, but for your spouse and how their feelings play a part in your decisions.

When I sat down and began writing today’s ceremony, I had an idea of what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. So, I began writing your ceremony and had about a third of it written when I trashed it all and started over, going in a different direction. I finished the ceremony, happy with what I had written, and sent it off to Jess almost two months ago. It wasn’t until this week that I realized something was missing. What I had sounded good, had all the parts needed, but still something was off. It wasn’t until I read through the ceremony a third time that I realized, what do I know about marriage? I’m not married. How can I give you advice and send you off into this world with profound words of wisdom about love and starting your lives together.

So, I went to the love experts. See the reference there, Frozen?!?! They may not be made of rock, and I would be amazed to see them come rolling down the aisle and burst into song. But who better to get inspiration and wisdom from, than your family and friends. So, this week, I asked a handful of people to provide one word that was meaningful to them in regards to what made a marriage successful and long-lasting. Here is the advice your family and friends give to you.

To have a successful marriage, you both must respect one another, communicate openly and often, be understanding in good times and in bad, laugh at one another as well as laugh with each other. Be selfless with each other and your family as it grows starting today. Because when things get tough, and they will, your spouse and your family will be your foundation, your rock, your support. Trust each other to make good and bad decisions. Nobody’s life is perfect, so you shouldn’t expect perfection from each other, only each other’s best. Be forgiving and patient when life gets hectic, when you feel stressed and that you can’t figure something out, again, communicate and compromise on the little things and have respect for the big decisions and life choices. Be humble with each other, have compassion for what you two may be experiencing individually and together. Pray together and trust that nothing is bigger than your faith in each other and your marriage.

But most importantly, continue to date one another. Just because you’re getting married today, doesn’t mean the passion and excitement have to fade. Each day, each year, each milestone, you’ll learn something new about each other and your lives. Have fun, be adventurous, travel, try new things together, make memories, be passionate for what you believe in and have passion for each other. Cherish your friendship with one another. Because at the end of the day, when you’re lying in bed trying to turn your brain off, you should look over at each other and remind yourselves that you’ve committed to each other for better or for worse, in good times and in bad, and remind yourself, love is the number one reason you each have each other in your lives.

Just as Walt Disney said, laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.

If you haven’t already noticed, Corie Ann’s passion for Disney and all things Disney is what makes up this special magical day. From her beautiful fairy tale princess dress, the Disney inspired center pieces and decorations, to her magical entrance to So This is Love from Disney’s Cinderella, Disney has been and always will be a big part of Corie Ann and our family’s tradition. Thank you, Matthew, for embracing and loving Disney, as much as you love Corie Ann. Right? Little did you know when you opened that Hinge app, you’d be an unofficial official Disney prince? At least in the eyes of the beautiful woman standing before you. Yea you clicked and got serious rather quickly, but little did you know, you were a bit of a secret to us for a while. I think we found out about you around Thanksgiving time. Barbara was on a cruise, Corie was living in St. Bernard, and I distinctly remember the gossip mill starting with Jamie, about Corie Ann having a new boyfriend and how he may or may not have made our little sister giddy and excited. So, what does any big brother do? Stalks you on Facebook and sends you a friend request.

Your bride might be a spunky little firecracker who almost always gets her way, is opinionated, headstrong, determined, smart, funny, beautiful and sometimes a little crazy, but you are her other half. You compliment her nicely. You’re a laid back, smart, sometimes quiet but not too quiet, determined, and motivated young man who calms our little sister down. And, you make her smile, you love her, and I knew the moment you were going to be a keeper, you started posting all the sales you made at Lexus on Facebook to help pay for that ring and you sold Barbara a brand-new Honda SUV and put wifey here in a Lexus. Just like any big brother, I always wanted the best for all of my sisters. I want them to be happy, to be successful, to follow their dreams, to fall in love and be loved unconditionally, and to maybe make me an uncle. I can honestly say that you’re living up to all those expectations, except for the uncle part, and I’m happy to welcome you into our family today and to be able to call you my brother-in-law.

And to Mike and Donna, thank you for raising such a caring, loving, hard-working and respectful son. It truly is a testament to you both and your family. Dad and Barb, well, we tried….I love you Corie Ann, you’ll always be our little see more. 29 years and counting, you still keep us on our toes and guessing about what’s next.

And now, Corie Ann has asked our cousin, Sherry, to come and read a special passage.

Winnie the Pooh

by A A Milne

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.

“Pooh?” he whispered. “Yes, Piglet?”

“Nothing,” said Piglet, taking Pooh’s hand.

“I just wanted to be sure of you.”

“We’ll be Friends Forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet.

“Even longer,” Pooh answered. “If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together… there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.”

Thank you, Sherry, that was beautiful.

According to YouTube and my extensive research in officiating a wedding, we’ve come to the part in the ceremony where Corie Ann and Matthew will exchange vows. She wanted personal vows, he wanted traditional ones. So, I compromised for the both of them and have put something together that is both personal and traditional.

Matthew repeat after me:

I Matthew

Take You Corie Ann

To be my wife

I will Share my life with yours

Build our dreams together

Support you through times of trouble

Rejoice with you in times of happiness

I promise to give you respect, love, and loyalty

Through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together

This commitment is made in love

Kept in faith

Lived in hope

And made new every day of our lives

Corie Ann repeat after me:

I Corie Ann

Take You Matthew

To be my husband

I will Share my life with yours

Build our dreams together

Support you through times of trouble

Rejoice with you in times of happiness

I promise to give you respect, love, and loyalty

Through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together

This commitment is made in love

Kept in faith

Lived in hope

And made new every day of our lives

Corie Ann and Matthew will now take part in a unity sand ceremony. The sand ceremony represents two people taking sand from their individual glasses and combining them into one. Each individual’s glass represents their own individual lives, personalities, hopes, dreams, values and struggles and the combined vessel represents their marriage and the life they will build together and commit to one another. By combining their sand together, they commit to each other to be united, to have combined hopes, dreams, and values, and is a reminder that what was once two is now one.

(Sand Ceremony)

Corie Ann and Matthew will now exchange rings as a symbol of the promises they made here today and of their ongoing lifelong commitment to each other. The ring represents your unconditional and unending love for one another. Just as the ring is made of durable and strong metal, so should your commitment and bond to each other be.

(Retrieve rings from Best Man)

Matthew repeat after me:

Corie Ann, I give you this ring

Which is a symbol of my unconditional love and commitment to you

It is a symbol of my everlasting friendship

And the promise of all my tomorrows

Corie Ann repeat after me:

Matthew, I give you this ring

Which is a symbol of my unconditional love and commitment to you

It is a symbol of my everlasting friendship

And the promise of all my tomorrows

Corie Ann and Matthew, you have declared your love for one another and committed to each other for eternity before me and all those in attendance today. It is our hope and dream that your true love and happiness be found in each other, the life you’re making together, and the unbreakable bond that you each commit to. It is my privilege and honor by the powers vested in me by the State of Ohio to pronounce you husband and wife. Matthew, you may now kiss your wife.


Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Martinsen!!


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