Randy Eugene Swearengin

Minister ID: 686822 View Ordination Certificate

The Zappia Wedding

The Wedding of Nathanial David Zappia & Heather Elizabeth Culler

Officiated by Randy Eugene Swearengin at Vic & Lydia's Home in Riverside, California on December 4th, 2020.


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Nathanial David Zappia And Heather Elizabeth Culler’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

Nate & Heather Wedding Ceremony Outline


Beginning of wedding ceremony. Guests are seated followed by the entrance of the Bridal Part


We are all here together this evening to witness the union of

Nathaniel David Zappia and

Heather Elizabeth Culler in Holy Marriage.

This is a day to celebrate the married life – it is a shared life -it is a great life.

The ability to love is one of the greatest gifts God has given us.

As Nate and Heather start this journey together, they will be able to develop a LOVE that makes them each a better version of themselves.

Marriage is where we sow LOVE and harvest in personal growth.

Nate & Heather on this journey together, keep each other in the place of highest priority in your heart. This love that you share must be guarded and cherished forever. It is your most valuable treasure as a couple.

Always remember; Love is Patient and Kind. Love is not Jealous, Boastful, Proud or Rude. It does not demand Its own way. It is not Bad-Tempered and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustices but rejoices whenever Truth wins out. Love NEVER gives up, NEVER loses Faith, It Is ALWAYS Hopeful and endures through EVERY circumstance.

Exchange of Vows

You have written your vows, and it is with these words you promise to Love, Honor and Hold Dear each other. If you are ready to make these promises to each other I ask that you face each other and declare your intentions.

Nate when you are ready you may begin;

Heather when you are ready you may begin;

Ring Exchange

Thank you for sharing your vows with All of us. The Rings you are about to place on each other’s fingers are symbols of this LOVE you have expressed. When you see and touch these rings remember these vows that you have spoken, and the LOVE that you have for each other.

Nate, Place the ring on Heather’s Finger and repeat after me; This ring is a symbol of my LOVE for you. I am Yours, Today and Forever.

Heather, Place the ring on Nate’s Finger and repeat after me; This ring is a symbol of my LOVE for you. I am Yours, Today and Forever.

Sand Ceremony

Nate & Heather join me over at this table

Nate and Heather have exchanged rings as a symbol of their love and commitment to each other.

Now they will further symbolize their union through the sand ceremony.

Each of you is represented by the sand in your container. All that you were, all that you are, and all you will ever be.

Now you are combining all of each of you and your family heritage you represent into one vessel. As these grains of sand are poured together you are no longer separate, but in marriage your lives are entwined forever.

Please join me back at the altar.


By the power given to me by the State of California; I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.

You may Kiss each other!

May I introduce


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