Richard Wilson Sneade

Minister ID: 728957 View Ordination Certificate

The Cohens, Est. 09/12/2020

The Wedding of Kelsey Marie Sneade & Adam Cheskis Cohen

Officiated by Richard Wilson Sneade at The Catherine Marie in Annapolis, Maryland on September 12th, 2020. Witnessed by Dana Banyasz, Matron of Honor and Mark Cohen, Best Man.


"It was an absolute honor to officiate Kelsey and Adam's wedding. We were all blessed with fabulous weather and the backdrop created by being on the Severn River was amazing. The Bride and Groom were stunning and the celebration of their union couldn't have been any better. Kelsey and Adam designed a perfect ceremony that truly embodied their love for each other. Their special touches and humor helped make the ceremony warm and truly authentic. The Cohen Wedding undoubtedly set the tone for a happy and loving marriage. I will always be proud to have had a small part in it."

Richard Wilson Sneade


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Kelsey Marie Sneade And Adam Cheskis Cohen’s Wedding Wedding Ceremony Script

I. The Procession:

a. 6:10 Mothers are seated: Lynne Sneade is escorted by her son-in-law Ben Banyasz, then Robin Cohen is escorted by her husband Ross.

b. 6:14 Adam leads the groomsman down the aisle in this order, Adam, Sean, John, Brad and Mark. Adam will stop next to Rick on the right while John leads the guys to their spots so the order of groomsmen from left to right is: Adam (Groom), Mark (Best Man), Brad, John and Sean.

c. 6:16 Kim begins the procession of the bridesmaids in this order, Kim, Amy, Kristin, Ashley, and Dana. Kim will file around so that the order from right to left is: Dana (Maid of Honor), Ashley, Kristin, Amy and Kim.

d. 6:18 Brantley and Sydney enter down the aisle.

e. 6:20 Kelsey and Dave Sneade enter down the aisle.

Rick Says: Uncle Dave who presents Kelsey in marriage today?

Dave Says: Her Mother and I.

II. Invocation:

a. Background story

Rick says:

Dearly Beloved friends and family,

We are gathered together here today to participate in the spiritual union in marriage of two unique and beautiful people whom we all dearly love.

Kelsey Sneade and Adam Cohen have chosen to intentionally commit their lives to each other on this very special day in September.

However, the beginning of their love journey that has eventually brought us all together on this day, things seemed more coincidental.

It was a fateful day in 2014 that Kelsey would tend to a store in Annapolis with her mom. Lynne needed to have a sensor removed from a dress that she had purchased a week prior.

A friendly lady named Robin, worked at the store, and assisted Lynne in removing the sensor. This visit was different than the previous because Robin was immediately intrigued by this beautiful and mysterious young lady who accompanied Lynne.

Robin playing the match maker, asked of Kelsey’s currant relationship status, and once finding out that she was single, she knew that she had the perfect man for her.

Robin then suggested that her son, Adam would most certainly reach out and Kelsey and Lynne left the store wondering if this was just a fleeing moment or a chance of something new and fun.

Robin then confident in her judge of beauty and great character, reached out to Adam, and as I can imagine, she probably told Adam that he better move on this one, and he would be an idiot not too.

I believe that it was through Facebook that they finally got connected and after five weeks of Kelsey playing a bit hard to get, they meet with a group of friends on November 1st in 2014 at McGarveys in downtown Annapolis.

And now nearly six years later we are here in this majestic backdrop. And this ceremony representing a new beginning is proof that things are not necessarily coincidental but very well planned out by a higher power.

This forever bound being in acted through this ceremony is not accidental and as such should not be entered in without conscious and deliberate intent. Today we celebrate that which was separate, is now forever together through the grandest form of love, marriage.

Rick says:

I am proud to say that Kelsey and Adam have added their personal touch through out this day of celebration and to this ceremony. They have added beautiful customs to illustrate their decision and have also selected special passages from the Bible that embodies their commitment to God and each other.

b. I Corinthians 13 Scripture Reading

Rick says:

In I Corinthians chapter 13 in verses 4 through 8 The apostle Paul defines love for the church of Corinth as the greatest spiritual gift. All other gifts apart from that of Love means nothing. In Paul’s words he says:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

c. The Braiding of the Knot Symbol

Rick says:

Kelsey and Adam have also chosen a symbol of unity to signify the beginning of their new life as one.

In the fourth chapter of Ecclesiastes and in verses 9 through 12 we read that,

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If either of them falls down, one can surely help the other up. But its sad for anyone who falls and there is no one there to help them up.

Also, it is said that if two lie down together, they will keep each other warm. But how can anyone stay warm alone?

Even though one may be overpowered, two can surely defend themselves.

But most importantly a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Kelsey and Adam do:

Kelsey and Adam Braid their Knot

III. Declaration of Intent

a. The Vows

Kelsey and Adam do:

The Vows are Recited

Rick says:

Recently in a conversation with Kelsey, I asked her what she loves most about Adam. She giggled and at first found it hard to narrow it down, but then she found three particular characteristics that resonated with her at that time.

She first said that it was his generosity. Particularly his generous and selfless love for others. She also said that he is dedicated and determined and always finishes what he starts. Kelsey then shared that she greatly appreciates his love that he demonstrates towards his family and hers.

Rick says and Kelsey Repeats:

I Kelsey, take my best friend Adam, to be my husband.

Loving what I know of you,

trusting what I do not yet know,

I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me,

through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.

Rick says:

So, I obviously had the same conversation with Adam and he did not disappoint. He first commented on the fact he loves hardware stores and of course Kelsey’s family owns the best hardware business around. He also bragged about how great it is to have a brother in law who is a master griller. As he pondered, he loved the idea that Kelsey had a football coach and a crabber as a cousin. I mean who doesn’t like football and crabs.

Adam being funny, is awesome. I mean shouldn’t marriage be fun? When Adam got more serious, he explained that he loves that Kelsey puts her family and friends above all else. He also loves that she likes to work out and that they spend time together getting stronger in their gym-shed. #trapsontrap and #showmeyourbiceps. And his final thought was that he appreciates how she is loving, caring, beautiful and his best friend and every day he is with here is the best day of his life.

Rick says and Adam Repeats:

I Adam, take my best friend Kelsey, to be my wife.

Loving what I know of you,

trusting what I do not yet know,

I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me,

through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.

b. The I Do’s

Kelsey and Adam do:

The I Do’s

Rick says:

Do you Kelsey Sneade take this man Adam Cohen to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?

Kelsey says: I Do

Rick says:

Do you Adam Cohen take this woman Kelsey Sneade to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?

Adam says: I Do

c. The Ring Exchange

Rick says:

Mark, may I please have the rings as Kelsey Sneade and Adam Cohen will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment. Just like a circle a ring has no beginning or end and therefore is a symbol of infinity. It is endless, eternal, exactly the way love should be.

Rick says:

Kelsey take the ring and place it on Adam’s finger and repeat after me:

Rick says and Kelsey Repeats:

“Adam, I give you this ring as a reminder, That I will love, honor, and cherish you, In all times, In all places, And in all ways, forever.”

Rick says:

Now Adam take the ring and place it on Kelsey’s finger and repeat after me:

Rick says and Adam Repeats:

Adam says: “Kelsey, I give you this ring as a reminder, That I will love, honor, and cherish you, In all times, In all places, And in all ways, forever.”

IV. Pronouncement

Rick says:

As we continue in the special customs that Kelsey and Adam wished to include on their special day, it now comes to the Jewish tradition of “breaking the glass.”

The glass is beautiful and fragile by its very nature. Yet it will remain whole and unbroken if forever unbothered and left alone.

But Adam, you were not created to be left alone. Today marks a moment in which things radically change forever. Through a conscious commitment made by the both of you, the lives of two separate people will no longer be the same.

Today the glass represents something so beautiful, the beginning of not a broken life but a radical change for the both of you as you will now live a life of oneness with God. Let the glass being broken not only be a representation of a radical change but also the fragility of your new marriage. That just like the glass, your marriage must be intentionally taken care of.

Rick says:

Now as we prepare for our closing and Adam to break the glass, I would like to invite everyone to shout the Hebrew words “Mazel Tov,” which means “Good Luck” and Congratulations.

Rick says:

Now by the authority vested in me by American Marriage Ministries and the State of Maryland, I now officially for the first time announce Kelsey and Adam Cohen as husband and wife! Adam you may now break the glass and kiss your bride.


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