Mike Mohamed Ghouse
Minister ID: 142541-55641 View Ordination Certificate
Mike lives in Texas and was ordained by American Marriage Ministries on June 21st, 2012.
Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse has officiated over 200 marriages in every combination and has traveled to most American cities. Mike Ghouse officiates the Nikah and interfaith weddings among people of different faiths and delivers the needed sermon to reflect the essence of the faiths of the couple. He has officiated weddings between Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Jains, Sikhs & Buddhists. He is the Founder and President of the Center for Pluralism www.Centerforpluralism.com and teaches the essence of every faith. As a part of his service to the community, he officiates interfaith marriages and believes that God puts love between two individuals and brings them together. When two individuals fall in love with each other, the ultimate milestone to their relationship is marriage. When two people from different races, faiths, cultures, ethnicities, and languages marry each other, conflicts are bound to happen. Mike offers counseling, as a part of the service so they can figure out the potential conflicts and prepare themselves to deal with them. The idea is to have a smooth sail in life. Through consultations with the couple, he customizes the proceedings and sermons in both their faith traditions if they choose to remain in their respective faiths. If one decides to become a Muslim out of the free will, the conversion ceremony will take place minutes before the wedding. Ghouse is the founder & President of the Center for Pluralism, an organization committed to building cohesive societies where every human feels secure in their faith, religion, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, and political orientation. He is also a public speaker, thinker, author, community consultant, pluralist, activist, and newsmaker. He is deeply committed to free speech, human rights; pluralism in religion, politics, societies, and the workplace. He has dedicated his life to building a cohesive America & offers pluralistic solutions to the media and policymakers on issues of the day. Everything about him is on his website. He will travel within the United States when his schedule permits. Contact info: Mike Ghouse Text (214) 325-1916
The badges below represent optional wedding officiant certifications offered by AMM. Learn more about our courses by visiting courses.theamm.org.
Mike is an ordained minister of American Marriage Ministries. You too can also get ordained as an AMM minister. With our free online ordination you can perform marriage in your state or anywhere else in the country.
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