Dr. Quincy Denois Citizen, D.D. (h.c.), B.Msc., M.Msc., Ph.D.
Minister ID: 511709-248376 View Ordination Certificate
Minister ID: 511709-248376 View Ordination Certificate
Dr. Quincy lives in Texas and was ordained by American Marriage Ministries on July 23rd, 2015.
I am a Buddhist/Unitarian Universalist/metaphysician who possesses an educational background in metaphysics, epistemology, and existentialism. There are many similarities across every major religion that I believe proves we should focus on being a whole of one instead of attempting to divide ourselves over differing interpretations or customs that have been passed down. I originally became ordained to perform ceremonies for same-sex couples who have otherwise had difficulty finding a Minister, Church, or county clerk to do so, however I would love to perform a ceremony for any couple that wishes to affirm a lifelong dedication to one another as well as offer counseling services including pastoral counseling, transpersonal counseling (a type of counseling that integrates spirituality with traditional psychotherapy), bereavement counseling and end of life counseling. I have provided services in both inpatient units as well as in-home and at nursing/assisted living facilities for 3 years. Since 2014, I have been a member of the US Medical Reserve Corps, a government organization made up of volunteer healthcare providers who are deployed under the command of DHS/FEMA, DHHS, and the Asst. Surgeon General following natural disasters, and acts of domestic terrorism. I work for them as a crisis intervention counselor and medical incident responder. I was one of 3 to receive a Certificate of Congration from Senator José Menedéz for my relief efforts during times of a critical disaster after being deployed to a shelter in a rural area that sustained a signifcant flood leaving many of the residents displaced, panicked, and distressed. During this deployment, I was the sole provider of mental health services staffing 2 shelters in different areas that both had sustained significant flooding. We have a congressional MOU with Red Cross and often work side by side with them. One of the shelters was run by them, and the other was a very small church that was a registered shelter with FEMA, and I was the sole provider staffing it. Red Cross did assist by stopping by daily to deliver goods, and I relied on our tax-exempt status to obtain necessary supplies including food and water for about 50 shelter residents. I am ordained through AMM and ULC, and IMM, and have an honorary doctorate in metaphysics from ULC and a Letter of Good Standing. I have a Bachelor's and Master's in Metaphysical Science from the University of Metaphysics, and am an ABD docotoral candidate for PhD's, one specializing in Transpersonal Counseling and one specializing in Comparative Religion from the University of Sedona and the University of Metaphysics. I am 31 years old and a native of Houston. I used to conduct bereavement therapy and end of life counseling for an interfaith hospice so I have experience working with many different faiths including multiple Christian denominations, Islam, and Judaism. I have full ministerial rights and privledges and can also perform and issue certificates for the following: marriage, marriage renewal, house blessing, baptism, affirmation of love, commitment, baby naming, and presiding over funerals. I have experience working with many different denominations of Christianity including Catholicsm, Methodists, Baptists, Pentacostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and LDS Mormons. Additionally, I have experience working with working with those of Islamic faith and those who practice Judasim including Orthodox Jews. I am the Founder, Executive Director, counselor and case manager for National Alliance for Mental Health & Substance Abuse Recovery (NAMHSAR),which is a 501 (c)(3) devoted to providing immediate mental health and substance abuse recovery services, follow ups and referrals to those in need, specifically those who are uninsured, underinsured, and/or reside close to the poverty line. I am well-versed in religion and am willing to perform services in accordance with the customs of any religion the couple wishes. I am a member of AAPC (American Association of Pastoral Counselors), and ATP (Association of Transpersonal Counseling)If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me! In my spare time, I learn. Ha I love laughing, and I am a big advocate of meditation and mindfulness techniques including the use of affirmative prayers as needed throughout your daily life. Your wedding is one of the most special events in your life, and it is not about me at all. I am here to be of service to you, and use my given powers and authorities to seal your commitment to your soulmate and give my John Hancock to make it legally recognized by the lovely government of our beautiful country! One nation under God. www.NAMHSAR.org
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