Test your knowledge of handfasting and its deep-rooted history -- and perhaps you'll be inspired to incorporate this ancient Pagan rite into a modern day ceremony of your very own!


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Test your knowledge of handfasting and its deep-rooted history -- and perhaps you'll be inspired to incorporate this ancient Pagan rite into a modern day ceremony of your very own!

1. Which of these is NOT a major Pagan holiday?

2. Each color has a special meaning in spiritual ceremonies. What does the color RED symbolize?

3. Where did handfasting (as we know it) begin?

4. What is the Year and a Day ceremony?

5. Are handfasting ceremonies only for weddings?

6. How long should a handfasting cord be?

7. Each color has a special meaning in spiritual ceremonies. What does the color BLUE symbolize?

8. How long ago did people start using ribbon or cord in handfastings?

9. What religion is handfasting a part of?

10. The couple being wed wants to keep the handfasting knot intact after the ceremony, so that they can display the knotted cord as a keepsake in their home. What’s the most important thing for an officiant to remember while tying the knot?

11. What modern holiday falls on the same day as Samhain, and continues to be one of the most popular days for handfasting?

12. Which of the major Pagan holidays are the most auspicious for handfasting?

13. How many major Pagan holidays are there each year?

14. Which of these are the luckiest times during the lunar calendar to perform a handfasting, according to ancient Pagans and medieval Irish stories?


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